Saturday, August 30, 2008

Didn't Wanna Jinx It

Around the Sugg household, it's been a pretty big week!

Aiden began his adventure in Pre-K. I've wanted to write on this all week. But this late week funk has kept me from doing so and I just didn't want to jinx it! This happens to be his first experience with full day childcare as well. I fell in love with the center from the first visit. So I was incredibly happy to hear him say how much he likes it! Naptime... the kid even enjoys naptime. Trying pulling off a naptime around this house is a hairpulling exercise. The hope is that the full day concept will bring some stablity to Aiden's routine and to level off his crazy mood swings! So far... So very good!

Several weeks ago, Aiden informed me that he wants to do karate like Uncle Matt. No offense Uncle Matt, I know it's Taekwondo, but try explaining the difference to a four year who just wants to be a TMNT and thinks that real Turtles live in NYC. My initial thought was that this kid doesn't need to know any other ways to act out toward me. But the more I considered it, I realized that training for martial arts may give him a since of discipline, a way to focus and learn respect. I began researching classes in the area. Not a lot of luck trying to find a program for 4 year olds. But this morning, Aiden and I visited the local Taekwondo school. My intention was to have a ton of pics for you to see Aiden with his little classmates in their 'just too darn cute outfits.' Unfortunately that wasn't the case... because in order to take pics with his classmates, he has to first join them! Could not get this kid to leave my side. I resolved to looking through the window which was soon ruined by the incessant Get on with it... When will they ever be done... How much longer? This wasn't annoyed sibling or misunderstood parent behind us, this was MY child! Needless to say, we didn't make it past the warm ups before having to excuse ourselves. A time out or two later and a gallon of tears, he's decided to give Taekwondo another shot another Saturday. If you see pics later, then you know round two was a keeper!

In other family news, Jamie is the proud new owner of an iphone. Andy (the dog) must be getting more senile as he ages. His whining is a bit obsessive in the morning even before the dreaded alarm clock goes off. That crosses a line in my book! Aiden asked to wear my theatre this afternoon. Luckily that was just my deodorant and not something else. And Millie (the cat, my only female comrade in this crazy household)... she and I are just hanging out, trying not to go insane, but taking it all day by day!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Lovin'

For a little end of summer adventure, Aiden and I visited my mom at her 'new home' in Virginia - this is of course, opposed to the old house in O-Town. With the promise of swing, slides, and pools, we were able to talk Emma into joining us.

Princess Emma

It is rumored that prior the trip, Emma had told others that she was going on vacation with her boyfriend. Until Saturday evening, I was unable to verify this information. After a late dip in the pool, Aiden was lagging behind as we made our way back to the apartment. It was at that moment when Emma proclaimed Come On Boyfriend!

Boyfriend Aiden

The best part was the conversation with Aiden following the declaration. Emma wants me to fall in love with her and I don't want to... Sounds just like a guy, huh? But for 4, I let him off the hook. I explained that he didn't have to. He just needed to be nice to her. By the next morning he was calling her Princess on the jungle gym.

Gigi, we had a wonderful time visiting you! It was a wonderful end to super summer. Thanks for having us. We can't wait to do it again!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Boy Calls His Gigi

As they get older, you expect your little ones to do more for themselves. Aiden is certainly no exception. These days he's getting his own snack, pouring his own juice, even making his own chocolate milk - I'm just waiting for the day that gallon of milk hits the floor! He also starts and stops his own movies and games, surfs kiddie-friendly websites, and showers instead of bathes.

But what I didn't expect was to find Aiden hiding out in my car last week talking on the phone. While I was chatting it up with the babysitter, Aiden snuck into my purse and snatched my cell phone. Next thing I know, he's dialing Gigi (that would be my mom). Where do they learn these things? It was obviously intentional. Since then, he's done this several times. Gigi, you should be prepared to receive random calls throughout the day and/or night from a thief of a boy who has found my phone.

I may have to begin using the lock or password to keep this from happening... Hmm, maybe Aiden can show me how?

As if that wasn't enough, a little later as he continues to talk to his Gigi, I hear this And you know what else Gigi, she told me that if I liked you the best, then maybe I should come live with you. I dare say I have to say who she is, right? I had a good laugh about it because how many parents haven't said this at some point. Just never expected the 4 year old to turn me in for it!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Me Learn Camera

For the 9th anniversary of my 21st birthday, I received one of the best gifts ever. One that could also be considered a rite of passage for any mom - a real grown up camera - the Sony Alpha 200. The camera, as well as the man who gave it to me (*wink, wink* that's for you, Jamie), is amazing. The catch, I have no idea what to do with it... There are buttons and numbers and beeps. I couldn't tell you what 98% of them mean or do!

Planning ahead (something that does not necessarily come naturally to my husband in regards to birthdays and holidays), he also purchased a beginner's camera course from our local camera & photography shop. And last night I began my journey to knowing and using this wonderful tool.

My initial reaction upon returning home: Umm, I thought you signed me up for the beginner's class. Maybe I need the beginner's beginner one then? But once I began sharing some of the topics discussed, it started to piece together for me. I'm realizing now that I absorbed much more than I thought I did initially. Shutter speed and aperture... not so scary right now.

One thing discussed that I though really fit in with the themes of my blog so far was this:
When choosing to use a manual focus with the camera, you have to be less reactive in taking photos (having the second thought of hey, I should catch this on film and grabbing the camera as it's happening) but you should be more purposeful in your shots.

Just like in life we need to switch out of automatic focus and more into a manual stream of thinking. Whether planning for the right shot or planning for things to happen in your life - don't just wait for it and jump in at the last minute (although some days I'll argue that at least you jumped). Like with a camera, focusing on your subjects in life takes effort. It's easy to let someone or something set your focus for you. But to do it yourself is to really live.

Oh, and yes, that birthday phrase is completely borrowed, I'm not nearly that cleaver on my own...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Are We There Yet?

The crystal coast is absolutely gorgeous this time of year. We've been planning for months to make a trip of it and finally found a Saturday without plan or obligation. The weather was surprising cool (okay... mid 80's, does that count?) and the water was fantastic, much bluer than I remember it -almost tropical.

Aiden and Jamie both had an incredible time. A little thunder and a few rain clouds chased us a way for a bit and we wound up at the Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores. Following dinner, we headed back out to the beach for some more wave jumping. I'm thinking at this rate, Aiden might be able to make it an Olympic sport!

Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores

What does 16 tons of sand look like?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is This How It Will Be?

Saturday night as we sat around the table of a local restaurant, I pondered if my parent's once pictured that this is how it would be? With a sitter for the tots, my sisters, brother-in-laws, Mom & Dad enjoyed bonofide *grown up dinner*. It's one of those times that you cherish - when you truly feel connected - a time that you wish for again and again.

So, I wonder as I often do, is this how they thought it would be? Will I be fortunate enough to enjoy times like these with my own children? And how is it that you survive the daily trials of parenthood in order to appreciate these things? How many times do we miss out on now because we are too consumed with the things around us?

A friend wrote to me today saying That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet. What will you fill-in in place of That? For me, it is the relationships with others. The ones that are in the past, the ones I have now, and the ones of my future.