The Scene: Aiden's Bath
Preface: This week Aiden's class began assigning dates for each student to bring a book to share before lunch time with the class. One of his playmates brought a book of the human body, including things such as muscles and the brain.
Tuesday night as I was putting away Aiden's clothes, Jamie called me from the bath to inform me that Aiden had a question for me. As I entered the bathroom, Aiden was sitting perpendicular in the tub with his back against the wall of the tub and his feet propped up on ledge.
Aiden then ask Mom, is this thing between my legs my brain?
You all know what I'm thinking right now and it's tempting. But there is also this little bitty voice in the back of my head is saying Whatever you tell him will be repeated tomorrow for an entire class of 4 year olds...
I took the high road, as my husband sat outside the bathroom laughing like you have never seen.
I tell you, if ever I had wished to remember the video on my cell, this would have been the time. Honestly, I don't think I've ever repeated the word testicles more times in my whole life!
Of course the conversation didn't stop there. I had to explain their purpose (more than once!), why girls don't have them, if they 'hook up' in order to have babies - that is his word NOT mine! Oh, and there was the entire conversation whether the Incredible Hulk has them or not, and why couldn't I see them... Life will never be the same.