Has it really been two weeks? You know, I had planned to blog my entire vacation, rubbing it in that I was there and you were here. But that didn't really happen, did it?
1. Nope, it didn't because I was too absorbed by the
Twilight series. I think I read through my entire week long vacation, at least when I wasn't working off the cost of my airfare for my mom
(slave labor - opps, did I say that? J/K). But even then I tried to sneak in a few pages here and there. But can we just say - I love these books. Even just yesterday I am guilty of admitting to my sister that I wanted to be Bella, even if she is running from vampires and stuff like that. Vampires, shampires... I can take'em.

2. Everyone always asked if you missed your babies a lot while you were away. Truth is... yes (I have to say that, but it's also true). But I didn't miss Aiden and Jamie the way you would think. Maybe because I knew Aiden was being cared for with the most capable hands and had a 5 day supply of matching outfits - to avoid any chance of Jamie dressing him...
But I did have a great deal of anxiety about leaving. It was harder to leave, and I kinda freaked a little on the car ride up. Once I was on the plane, that subsided and I was okay from there. But it was so good to see the expression on Aiden's face when we returned home.
3. That being said, I think everyone needs vacations from the family every now and then. It gives you a chance to re-evaluate.
4. I do have pictures. (I can see that you're surprised by that?) But haven't uploaded them yet. I'll be sure to post a few once I do.
5. The worst thing about vacations is coming back to work. It's not even so much returning to work, but the 5 days of missed emails, telephone calls, documentation that you have to catch up on. It's more like 9 missed days in my case as my client's don't fully realize that I don't physically live at my office. I'd almost say it's not worth it, but it's not worth lying to you about that.
6. Enough about my trip...Last night I downloaded
Pandora to my Blackberry. Yea! I've been waiting for months to do this. Don't know why it took me so long. Now I can rock out to some 80's hits in my office while returning all 6 billion missed emails.
7. If my calculations are correct, there are exactly 150 days till Christmas. Better get you shop on. Or in my case, start saving some $$ in order to shop later.
8. Speaking of money, with any luck and a few more months of diligence, we'll have all of our credit cards paid off by October 2009. One of these days, I'll blog about my Dave Ramsey adventures. But just to say that it is possible to pay those stinkers off if you just commit to it.
9. Jamie's off Friday night. For those of you that don't realize the golden significance of this, he has approximately 1.5 Friday's off during an average year. I'm thinking of making it a date night.
10. In effort to be funny, I was going to have Webster define 'date' for you. If you happen to be in the same situation as us, as to which dates are a thing of history, a forgotten memory, this would have been a useful tool. BTW, I never thought I'd actually phrase something with the words 'as to which.')
However, in my attempts to obtain a solid definition, I came up with
this instead...
Date Hair: Hair that is commonly slicked with a greasy additive and parted in the middle with the hair curling at the end. Used to impress in a date situation or when one is attired with one's "Sunday best."
Examples: Ed has nice date hair this evening. Is he going out?
Damn, Joey. That date hair looks like Ricky Ricardo had sex with a wet rat.
...Don't worry there were images attached for reference purposes. (haha)
Date Hair Image
Thanks Urban Dictionary. Oh, wait... I think I know this guy?!
Now you know how easily I am amused.