Monday, March 30, 2009

And now I bring you this

Now that I've published my deep dark discipline secrets for the entire world to read and judge... I bring you this... A post I read a while back. I do not know this girl, a friend of my sister's I suppose. But don't you love it?

Dear Jack, I'm so sorry.

I preface this by saying that I do not believe in physical/corporal discipline. It goes beyond anything that is natural for me in order to implement this type of discipline. No matter how many Dobson books I may read, it doesn't seem or feel natural. However, with parenting you will eventually find yourself at that point where you may try it, at least once. Because each kid is different, right? Until now it has been completely ineffective with Aiden, a waste time. But as he grows, his imagination grows. A time out isn't doing the trick anymore because he may sit, but he's dreamin' of galaxies far, far away.

So, with that said... We implemented a technique - a small spanking but with a spoon. I remind you, small is the key word here. I know, I know... eventually you get to this point though. Let it be said that I am not encouraging anyone to take on this technique, we are very thorough in our efforts and talk through the disciplinary process each time with Aiden (even for time outs, restriction, etc). Tedd and Paul David Tripp offer a fantastic step by step process in their video series Case for Kids, which I believe can be implemented with all types of discipline.

But what I can say - it worked a miracle. In the last six months, Aiden's been in trouble a total of maybe only once? Twice?

Being that type of mom that wants to share everything, especially if by chance it works - I happened to share this information with a friend over fondue a few weeks ago.

And now... I have guilt. Visit her site to see why, particularly the last paragraph.

Yes, that was me.

I'm sorry Jack.

But I'm laughing my ass off.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I've Got It.

With just a little thought and a lot of procrastination and I was able to come up with a few of my own.

Nine pound baby stole my epidural.
Always wanting more than I am.
Three pregnancies with one amazing child.
The Prozac made me do it.
Our conversations lack a real conversation.
Birthday + fondue = A very happy celebration

If these make absolutely no sense to you, then one of my five readers must have forgotten to review my last post.

Six (6) Words

Can 6 words change your life? Can they summarize entire periods or thoughts or space in time? Earlier this year I caught a clip from NPR regarding the 6 word memoirs published by Larry Smith, writer for Smith Magazine. It was amazing the stories that were told and untold in only 6 small simple words. Some humerous, some not so much.

According to the legend, this idea of a memoir in 6 words began when Ernest Hemingway was asked to write a story in just that - six words. He responded with For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.

I've thought several times hearing about this - what would be my 6 words? I still stumble on that. But in the meantime I've managed to collect a list of random 6 word memoirs shared by others - some found through the books published by Larry Smith and others were posted by everyday people. So, here goes -

Thought I'd be awesome by now. – Ryan
Wanted life to always be fair. – rossindetriot
Don't mention we met on Craigslist. – 27014
Ok without you; Best with you. -Fuerza Dulce
I think therefore I am late. – hawkman
He sees the me i don't. -unknown
Our prison visitations were surprisingly romantic
If only he wasn't a Republican. - Holly Fitzpatrick
Leap of faith. Shit, no parachute. - Katherine Yunker
We "I do" -ed. Then he didn't. -Lisa Parrack
Bacardi rum killed our platonic friendship. -Lupus Solitarius
You are what life is for. -Yatima
If I get Chlamydia, blame MySpace. - Hanorah Slocum
Hesitation took away all my chances. -windybt
Not like I planned. It's better. –abbey
I fixed him but broke myself. -Amal Khairul
For sale. Mortage-backed securities. Truly priceless! – rahul
Didn't pull out. Downhill from there. -- Roger Daubach
I loved the idea of you. -Audrey Adu-Appiah
Tomorrow, maybe, I'll sell the ring. -Matt Tanner
Your planet: Peter. My planet: Earth. -Elinor McKay
The psychic said I'd be richer. - Elizabeth Bernstein
After Harvard, had baby with crackhead. -Robin Templeton
I type what I can't say. -Polotalbot
Never as eloquent as I imagine. -shinsarelove
Single by choice. His, not mine. -mkeogh
Still waiting for my super powers -christopher.hollowell 23
"I'm doing just peachy," she lied. -By Grashoppr
I still make coffee for two. - Zak Nelson
Love always protects. But protects whom? -Grashoppr
Three weeks left. So much left. -supermarcus
Waiting, hoping for fulfillment to come. -Grashoppr
Forever doesn't mean forever anymore -breeezy_rox
Just walking humbly with my God. -boguscow
I have everything, just wanted her . -WarpedWriter
I thought it would be different. -pops 2
I was not until you were. -elkiegirl
For thirty years we are one. -poochiepie

So, here's my question? What's your 6 word memoir? I know you have one... In the meantime, I'll be thinking of mine.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Random Things

So, here it is Thursday already and I still haven't uploaded last weekend’s pictures to my computer. So instead of more Aiden pics (which I'm sure you can never get enough of...), I thought I'd give you 10 random things about me.

1. I've spent the last two weeks checking out food blogs. I love all the great ideas they post. And if it has pictures, even better. I rarely make a recipe without a picture. I need to SEE that it's turning out right.

2. That being said, I haven't cooked anything worth mentioning in a while besides pizza and hot dogs. Pretty sad, huh?

3. I've stuck to one New Year's Resolution so far... Probably one not even mentioned here. But I continue to make all of our bread (well, minus the hot dog or hamburger rolls). I haven't bought a loaf since December. It actually saves quite a bit of money and is way better for you. Plus it makes cheese toast that completely rocks!

4. I love black beans. It sounds crazy, but I do - put'em in a soup, salad, salsa, taco - I'll eat'em.

(Okay, since the first four thoughts were about food - Can you tell that I am completely unsatisfied with today's lunch of noodles and carrots - uck! I need real food, people. But on to other topics.)

5. I only wear my engagement ring. It’s because I like to pretend that I'm not REALLY married. No, not really. It's easier to pick up guys this way. Okay, no, that's not true either. (I'm just helping to dispell some myths about the situation.) Truth is - I have an allergy to gold apparently. Only the best - platinum - will do for me. Within a day of putting on my wedding band, my entire finger breaks out. Talk about a literal 7 year itch... And I'm too cheap to buy me a platinum band.

6. Procrastination is my middle name. It's not intentional. I truly try my hardest to plan and do things in advance. I like to think that the therapist that once told me I procrastinate because I'm a passive perfectionist was right.

7. My worst fear is not seeing Aiden grow up. That needs no elaboration.

8. Every night before I fall asleep I use my Blackberry to read up on celebrity gossip (thanks, People Magazine) and then play a game of Sudoku before I'm off to sleep.

9. I've attended 10 different schools in my lifetime. Aiden says that makes me way smarter than Jamie because he only went to three. But then at other times he'll tell me that Dad learned way more in school than I did because he knows all about the Millennium Falcon and I don't.
Um, sweet pea, that still makes me smarter...

10. I love punctuation - have you noticed? I use a ton of (...) in just about everything I type. And on that topic - I'm a terrible speller. Thanks for never saying anything about it to me before now.

So, there you go - 10 random things about me. Don't use'em against me!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Makin' Dreams Happen

Did you ever have those dreams where you go to school and suddenly, on the bus or in homeroom, you realize that you still have on your Pj's? Or maybe you forgot your shoes? Even worse, the one where you are naked? Man, I was mortified by those dreams. Scarred by my very own subconscious.

Last Monday (that would be the Monday before last), I eagerly woke Aiden nice and early in celebration of Read Across America Week. When you are in Pre-K, this is a pretty big event, a week long celebration that starts off with a day long Pajama Party followed by all the traditional Dr. Seuss things (ie. the ever famous and often duplicated green eggs and ham, etc) We had been planning this day for nearly a week - you gotta have the right set of jammies, you know? (which involves, on my part, locating and most likely washing the darn things)

So, there we were - Aiden dressed in his favorite Dark Knight Pj's, Transformers slippers, and robe. Pillow in hand along with three books to share with his classroom.

But the strange this is - when we arrived at school, the little kids weren't dressed in Pj's. Huh, that's strange, it must only be Aiden's class celebrating with a Pajama Party today.

As we get a little closer and I'm peering through the door - that's even stranger, what kid forgets Pajama Day, some of these little guys forgot their... oh... wait...

You can see me at this point - eyes darting around the classroom, counting heads and jeans and tennis shoes. No slippers? No robes? pj's...

By this point Aiden trying to bust down the door to get in and I'm holding him back. The teacher comes by the door. Is everything okay?

Um, today's not Pajama Day, is it? is all I can muster in my sincere confusion.

No dear, that's next week.

I look down at Aiden. So cute and so excited to be wearing pajamas to school. I look down the hall as well, children coming and going, staring at the boy in the bathrobe. Yep, that's me, making dreams come true for a 5 year old. Making my dreams, my nightmares, come true... just for him.

Ah, we'll be back...

... Pajama Party Day, Take 2...
This week, we managed to do Pajama Day the right way.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Else Are Rainy Days Good For?

Beside snuggling in and hanging out with family.

(And yes, that is a Batman costume. Superheroes are not deterred by the weather)

He Gets That From His Grandfather

What is it about the rain that makes children move at the speed of snails? It's been raining cats and dogs all weekend long. So each time we've headed out in to the cold frigid rain, it's been a process getting Aiden into the car - come on kid, it's like 5 steps from the front door.

But each time we've returned home, he's taken this insane route from car seat to door, wandering through the parking lot in the down pour.

I finally gave in and ask what the bloody hell he was up to. His response I'm taking a short cut. In his defense, I finally understood that he had listened to all the times I asked him not to step in the puddles but to go around them. However, in this situation there is no such thing and he was getting drenched in the process.

But for my sisters and myself, the term of short cut will forever and always be associated with that trip to Myrtle Beach. ...the one where we followed signs for Beach Traffic for hours while being the only car on the road... Never has it take 8 hours to make that trip since. Especially since it's a 4 hour drive.

Much like my Dad and his love for scenic short cuts, it appears my son has inherited this all too charming trait. ...a lucky girl that catches him one day... hope she can read a road map.