Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sometimes You Got Nothing

Blogging has been hard lately. Can you tell? I've taken the lazy way out and posted pictures here and there just to feel that I'm doing something. But I just haven't had much to say. Well, I AM the quiet, shy type.

I don't do vague well. I usually give WAY more information than what is needed. But there's just been 'stuff' going on. And all this 'stuff' makes my normal everyday complaints seem ...well, almost petty. I'm hoping by admitting to this 'stuff,' (even just saying the word) I'll be able to move on, get past myself, and find something earth-shattering to blog about. Something riveting, much like all of my past posts.

Ah-ha, I know I've got you on the edge of your seat now!

In the meantime, I'm thankful for my friendships, for family, for my dear and ever patient husband, for a son that is in one word "amazing" (you thought I was going to say tiring, weren't you? That's true too), for life, and most importantly for the grace of God.

This verse below was shared tonight. It is said that we don't need to DO more to walk closer to God but to BELIEVE more.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Friday, April 24, 2009

The List

It occurred to me today that I am nearing that one month mark until my next birthday. My 31st birthday... So, in some ways I wonder what have a really accomplished in my 31 years. I won't begin to share a list with you because I would sell myself short of real accomplishments.

But here, teetering on 31, I don't see myself where I want to be, who I want to be. I set evasive goals for myself such as to have real connections with others, be happy with myself, come closer to God, lose weight. But they are never specific, real examples. And at times I feel I have little to show for it.

Over the next month I have vowed to make a 'To Do by 35' list, a bucket list if you will. Specific things that I can look back on my life and know that I have done something for myself and for others.

So, I ask you this: Do you have a list? A real, factual, hard copy of a list? What's on it? I'll show you mine, if you show me yours.

I found this recently and it stuck with me.

True Joy of Life by George Bernard Shaw

This is the true joy of life.
The being used for a purpose
Recognized by yourself as a mighty one.
The being a force of nature
Instead of a feverish, selfish
Little clod of ailments and grievances
Complaining that the world will not
Devote itself to making you happy.
I am of the opinion that my life
Belongs to the whole community
And as long as I live,
It is my privilege to do for it
Whatever I can.
I want to be thoroughly
Used up when I die,
For the harder I work the more I live.
I rejoice in life for its own sake.
Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch
Which I've got hold of
For the moment
And I want to make it burn
As brightly as possible before
Handling it on to future generations.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Super Saturday

Following another exciting soccer practice (yes, I'm sparing you the pictures), we headed downtown for a little pirate action. A friend recently posted that the world still has pirates. Yes, indeed. Eastern NC is famous for our pirates. In the back of my head I can hear "First Down, Pirates." I'm sure fellow alumni are able to relate.

(You should have seen the turkey leg she was eating)


Digging for sharks' teeth and other fossils

One little monkey sitting in the tree...

The incredible weather and seasonal allergies aren't the only signs of spring.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mad Skills

Easter Pics

I 'borrowed' these from my sister's site. Thanks Manda :-)
But here are a few Easter pics for you.

I'm a Rebel

I broke the coveted rule at work today...

(pausing for suspense and anticipation)

I opened my windows. I can hear the waves of gasps as you read this.

But there is something about a spring shower that I just have to hear. At night, a thunderstorm will lull me to sleep. Maybe it’s the idea of washing away the old, the water giving way to new life. But there’s just something about a spring rain.

And besides, I need something to keep me from falling asleep. Although the sound of rain tapping on the window panes may not be the answer.

What kinda of rules (dare I say, stupid rules) have your broken lately?

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Weekend Recap

This weekend was totally swamped with really great activities - everything from soccer practice, an arts fest, crawfish boil, and a traditional cookout with good friends. You couldn't have asked for better weather. The university held it's annual Youth Arts Festival this weekend. We had a ball being back on the ole' campus.

Aiden and Petey the Pirate

The artist couldn't handle a Spiderman,
so we settled for a spider

The Musician

And all the masks...

Powerhouse was the word she used

Aiden had his first official soccer practice this weekend. Although he was a little shy to begin with, he did really well. I think 'powerhouse' was the word the coach used to describe him. If you could just bottle some of that energy.