It's not so much the fact that he's no longer a toddler or pre-schooler, but it's a marker of his first five years of life. Five years that have gone by so quickly. In a sad way, it's time that we'll never get back. So many firsts are behind us. But then again, so many more are to come.

To start a few traditions, we decided to toast to a new year and new beginnings. Aiden got a kick out of this since we pulled out the champagne glasses and all. Along with the toast, we fixed his favorite breakfast, took first day pics, and accompanied him to school. Tonight we attempted to have a special dinner to discuss first day events. We served dinner in reverse - dessert, meal, then apps. It didn't go over as well as I had hoped though. Aiden actually decided to eat lunch so he wasn't starved like last night when he ate two PB&J... So he was more selective and didn't care for the dessert I selected. Oh, well... at least the conversation was good.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Mission: First Day Kindergarten
Another 10 - On Tuesday This Time!
1. Today was Aiden's first day of school. Can you believe it? Kindergarten! I won't turn this into a top 10 'cause I'm planning to blog about it tonight and bore you with all the details, maybe even post a little photo footage for your enjoyment.
2. However, I can blog about other kids starting school, right? A friend of mine informed me that at their Kindergarten open house they were informed that each child would have a personal laptop to use during school hours. This was Kindergarten orientation and not orientation for Wake Forest University, right?
3. Wow... showing my age there, huh? It was like 10 years ago when they gave all incoming freshmen laptops. Well, gave probably wasn't the right word. It was included in the $25k/year tuition. They definitely paid for them - some, I imagine (like myself...) still are.
4. I should probably note that said friend does NOT live in NC. Imagine that...
5. Last weekend rocked! I had a little girl time with some of the old CPW's crew that I haven't hung out with in years. They're a really fun group. Why didn't I hang out with them more?
A. Happy Birthday Lorrie!
B. I should enter a cheese ball shaping contest. Nuff said.
6. I'm a South Beach drop out. I don't want to talk about it. Well, maybe I do... I want to get this whole skinny thing right. I'm tired of planning and then skipping out on the follow through. I just want to stick with something till the end. Oh me...
7. That is my biggest pet peeve about myself: Self discipline, or the lack there of. But how do you change it? Start small, sure. But my goals are so BIG. I don't even know where small begins anymore.
8. I'm addicted to the People Magazine app on my Blackberry.
9. Jamie's already getting facebook messages about his 20th High School reunion. Hehe.. yeah, I said 20th...
10. I've turned into a superhero nazi at my house. For better or worse, I've boxed up every superhero toy that does not exhibit some type of educational, non-violent value. Maybe it's a test or maybe the disciplinary action was just a way for me to rid the world of superheroes, one step at a time. It's not that they are evil. I'm all for someone saving the universe. But I'm tired of always hearing about it.
2. However, I can blog about other kids starting school, right? A friend of mine informed me that at their Kindergarten open house they were informed that each child would have a personal laptop to use during school hours. This was Kindergarten orientation and not orientation for Wake Forest University, right?
3. Wow... showing my age there, huh? It was like 10 years ago when they gave all incoming freshmen laptops. Well, gave probably wasn't the right word. It was included in the $25k/year tuition. They definitely paid for them - some, I imagine (like myself...) still are.
4. I should probably note that said friend does NOT live in NC. Imagine that...
5. Last weekend rocked! I had a little girl time with some of the old CPW's crew that I haven't hung out with in years. They're a really fun group. Why didn't I hang out with them more?
A. Happy Birthday Lorrie!
B. I should enter a cheese ball shaping contest. Nuff said.
6. I'm a South Beach drop out. I don't want to talk about it. Well, maybe I do... I want to get this whole skinny thing right. I'm tired of planning and then skipping out on the follow through. I just want to stick with something till the end. Oh me...
7. That is my biggest pet peeve about myself: Self discipline, or the lack there of. But how do you change it? Start small, sure. But my goals are so BIG. I don't even know where small begins anymore.
8. I'm addicted to the People Magazine app on my Blackberry.
9. Jamie's already getting facebook messages about his 20th High School reunion. Hehe.. yeah, I said 20th...
10. I've turned into a superhero nazi at my house. For better or worse, I've boxed up every superhero toy that does not exhibit some type of educational, non-violent value. Maybe it's a test or maybe the disciplinary action was just a way for me to rid the world of superheroes, one step at a time. It's not that they are evil. I'm all for someone saving the universe. But I'm tired of always hearing about it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Shoot, I'm Just Going to Start Calling It Wednesday's 10...
1. Maybe it just seems that Tuesday comes around too quickly and I don't have time to prepare myself for a list. It's not like I have to do a Tuesday's 10... but since my brain seems to work in random sprints, it kinda works for me. Who knows, maybe I'll start blogging daily in terms of a top 10 list. Then again I could never be as clever as David Letterman.
2. Today enters day 3 of South Beach and I'm down 3.2 pounds. (Only 47.8 zillion to go.) I only tell you this so that next time you see me and ask how South Beach is going, I can laugh in your face.
3. Aiden and I had a great weekend. Jamie was in Atlanta to see Paul McCartney (which btw, he said he was great but it rained the entire show!). Many thanks to Claudia, Alessio, & Stella for keeping us company! We created some (er...) interesting science experiments with citric acid, baking soda, and milk. Yes, milk. Aiden figured out a way to make perfectly good milk curdle. I'm hoping this will mark his beginnings to become a brillant scientist that will make me (opps, him) lots of money. But in the mean time, we also played at the park and caught a matinee showing of Aliens in the Attic. Sunday, Aiden was a champ and helped me with the grocery shopping before Jamie arrived back home.
4. This coming weekend we'll start our second round of Financial Peace University (with Dave Ramsey). Since we're on the verge of doing something great (paying off our credit cards), we wanted to take an opportunity to review, re-focus, and establish some new goals. I'm excited about it ... such a nerd!
5. Any one with kids should subscribe to this magazine: Disney's Family Fun. Month after month it continues to surprise me with creative new ideas. If I only took the time to do each of them...
6. I received a notice from College Foundation that my Promissory Note had ended (or expired, can't remember). Being that these notes are only good for 10 years, do you realize the significance of this? Man, I'm getting old!
7. So, does anybody else keep up the Kardashians? Technically I don't but do find it interested that Kourtney's preggers... So much for Kourtney and Khloe taking Miami by storm... Maybe they'll take Miami by baby carriage or bottle or something?
8. Can I just tell you that work is insane?! I am up to my eyeballs in files! And there's no rest for the weary.
9. A friend of ours is having pretty major surgery Friday. Fred, we're keeping you in our prayers. We hope that everything goes well and you have a speedy recovery.
10. Aiden's getting his official 'school hair cut' Thursday afternoon. Only 6 more days till he's no longer a Pre-K kiddo. I honestly can't believe it. Any suggestions on making his first day more special? Any traditions that you could pass on to us?
2. Today enters day 3 of South Beach and I'm down 3.2 pounds. (Only 47.8 zillion to go.) I only tell you this so that next time you see me and ask how South Beach is going, I can laugh in your face.
3. Aiden and I had a great weekend. Jamie was in Atlanta to see Paul McCartney (which btw, he said he was great but it rained the entire show!). Many thanks to Claudia, Alessio, & Stella for keeping us company! We created some (er...) interesting science experiments with citric acid, baking soda, and milk. Yes, milk. Aiden figured out a way to make perfectly good milk curdle. I'm hoping this will mark his beginnings to become a brillant scientist that will make me (opps, him) lots of money. But in the mean time, we also played at the park and caught a matinee showing of Aliens in the Attic. Sunday, Aiden was a champ and helped me with the grocery shopping before Jamie arrived back home.
4. This coming weekend we'll start our second round of Financial Peace University (with Dave Ramsey). Since we're on the verge of doing something great (paying off our credit cards), we wanted to take an opportunity to review, re-focus, and establish some new goals. I'm excited about it ... such a nerd!
5. Any one with kids should subscribe to this magazine: Disney's Family Fun. Month after month it continues to surprise me with creative new ideas. If I only took the time to do each of them...
6. I received a notice from College Foundation that my Promissory Note had ended (or expired, can't remember). Being that these notes are only good for 10 years, do you realize the significance of this? Man, I'm getting old!
7. So, does anybody else keep up the Kardashians? Technically I don't but do find it interested that Kourtney's preggers... So much for Kourtney and Khloe taking Miami by storm... Maybe they'll take Miami by baby carriage or bottle or something?
8. Can I just tell you that work is insane?! I am up to my eyeballs in files! And there's no rest for the weary.
9. A friend of ours is having pretty major surgery Friday. Fred, we're keeping you in our prayers. We hope that everything goes well and you have a speedy recovery.
10. Aiden's getting his official 'school hair cut' Thursday afternoon. Only 6 more days till he's no longer a Pre-K kiddo. I honestly can't believe it. Any suggestions on making his first day more special? Any traditions that you could pass on to us?
Friday, August 14, 2009
What's Entertaining Us: You Tube
Now tell me, how much free time do you think this kid has on his hands?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The List
Turning, I began looking back over the last five years of my life and with great concern, I didn't feel that I had a lot to say for it. Sure, I was a mother, a wife, a worker bee - but in terms of what I had done, what I had accomplished - the list felt short.
So, to set the next five years right, I've made a list of things I want to do, to accomplish by my 36th birthday. The list is small and meek, but I want to be realistic in my efforts. No matter what I put on paper (or computer screen), we all know that life holds a lot more for us, more than we can anticipate. So, with that, I wanted to keep it small to make it accomplishable.
1. See the Northern Lights
2. Take Aiden to Disney while it's still magical
3. Live under the 150
4. Change careers, try something new where it's more than a paycheck
5. Rid my closet of clothes older than 3 years old. Replace them with something great
6. Run a 5k and a 10k, I don't know if I could do a 1/2 marathon again (sure I could...)
7. Take a cooking, photography, and/or sewing class
8. Teach someone something
9. Volunteer
10. Learn to cook on the grill
So, there it is. Technically, I could start by doing two each year. Hmm, I'd like to start with the Northern Lights and Disney (don't I wish...)
So, to set the next five years right, I've made a list of things I want to do, to accomplish by my 36th birthday. The list is small and meek, but I want to be realistic in my efforts. No matter what I put on paper (or computer screen), we all know that life holds a lot more for us, more than we can anticipate. So, with that, I wanted to keep it small to make it accomplishable.
1. See the Northern Lights
2. Take Aiden to Disney while it's still magical
3. Live under the 150
4. Change careers, try something new where it's more than a paycheck
5. Rid my closet of clothes older than 3 years old. Replace them with something great
6. Run a 5k and a 10k, I don't know if I could do a 1/2 marathon again (sure I could...)
7. Take a cooking, photography, and/or sewing class
8. Teach someone something
9. Volunteer
10. Learn to cook on the grill
So, there it is. Technically, I could start by doing two each year. Hmm, I'd like to start with the Northern Lights and Disney (don't I wish...)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Procrasinator's 10 on Tuesday (yes, I know it's Wednesday...)
1. RIP Babs... Our car did not survive. We received notice that the insurance company will be totaling out the car. This makes me very sad because she was such a great ride. If you looked beyond the broken AC, this might have been the best riding car I've know. It was like riding on a pillow, even at 12 years old! Did I mention free to? I'm sure the lack of car payments made the ride even more comfy and the pillow a little softer.
2. So many thanks to my Mom and Dad for loaning us Babs. (No, she didn't come to us with that name. I gave it to her. Funny that I'll name other people's cars but not my own, huh.)
3. 1 week and counting till Aiden starts Kindergarten. That is INSANE. One week?! His school shoes came today by mail. He's so excited about them. I had to tell him to take them off twice already. It would be great if he could be this excited about the uniformed polos he'll get to wear day in and day out. CORRECTION: Um, that's two weeks and counting. Apparently I can't read a calendar.
4. Okay, shoot me now for saying it, but this uniform thing might not be so bad, at least for having a son who like most typical males has no interest in shopping. And trust me, he's not the easiest child to shop for and definitely not with. I was able to take him to two local stores to size his clothing (in and out at the speed of lighting, only for this sole purpose, the goal was to limit any potential meltdowns). And this weekend I ordered everything online. Sweet. To make it even better, we only had to pay a book fee for school and all of his school supplies are provided from that. Convenience is my friend.
5. Speaking of Aiden, the little guy just got in trouble... He won't stay still long enough to fall asleep EVER. Sometimes you just wanna strap him down to something just to see if it's physically possible for him to stay still. Any thoughts on how to get him to fall to sleep quicker? We do the same routine night after night. And each night, he manages to keep himself awake well into the night.
6. It feels like months ago that I was bragging about my impending vacation. And here it is (what feels like but not really) months later still trying to catch up from my little vacation. Will it slow down?
7. Although... my pedicure still looks pretty cute from my vacation. There's something to be said for that.
8. Jamie's leaving me to see Paul McCartney in Atlanta this weekend. You stink Jamie Sugg!
9. I think Andy (our basset hound) is getting really old. He's hearing is starting to go and he's getting a little senile. He'll be ten this year. But we can tell a big difference lately. Although lucky, he's healthy otherwise.
10. Well, story time duty calls. Off to tuck the squirmy worm into bed...
2. So many thanks to my Mom and Dad for loaning us Babs. (No, she didn't come to us with that name. I gave it to her. Funny that I'll name other people's cars but not my own, huh.)
3. 1 week and counting till Aiden starts Kindergarten. That is INSANE. One week?! His school shoes came today by mail. He's so excited about them. I had to tell him to take them off twice already. It would be great if he could be this excited about the uniformed polos he'll get to wear day in and day out. CORRECTION: Um, that's two weeks and counting. Apparently I can't read a calendar.
4. Okay, shoot me now for saying it, but this uniform thing might not be so bad, at least for having a son who like most typical males has no interest in shopping. And trust me, he's not the easiest child to shop for and definitely not with. I was able to take him to two local stores to size his clothing (in and out at the speed of lighting, only for this sole purpose, the goal was to limit any potential meltdowns). And this weekend I ordered everything online. Sweet. To make it even better, we only had to pay a book fee for school and all of his school supplies are provided from that. Convenience is my friend.
5. Speaking of Aiden, the little guy just got in trouble... He won't stay still long enough to fall asleep EVER. Sometimes you just wanna strap him down to something just to see if it's physically possible for him to stay still. Any thoughts on how to get him to fall to sleep quicker? We do the same routine night after night. And each night, he manages to keep himself awake well into the night.
6. It feels like months ago that I was bragging about my impending vacation. And here it is (what feels like but not really) months later still trying to catch up from my little vacation. Will it slow down?
7. Although... my pedicure still looks pretty cute from my vacation. There's something to be said for that.
8. Jamie's leaving me to see Paul McCartney in Atlanta this weekend. You stink Jamie Sugg!
9. I think Andy (our basset hound) is getting really old. He's hearing is starting to go and he's getting a little senile. He'll be ten this year. But we can tell a big difference lately. Although lucky, he's healthy otherwise.
10. Well, story time duty calls. Off to tuck the squirmy worm into bed...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
5 Do's and A Don't: Lessons Learned In A Weekend
DO use the time trapped at home on a rainy, car-less, Sunday afternoon to do something constructive besides finishing another book. …Clean… There’s a revolutionary concept. My neat freak sister would approve!
DO invite a friend that you don’t hang out with nearly enough to the movies. Thanks Carrie for being my Saturday night date and chauffeur.
DO go see The Ugly Truth. This is possibly the funniest movie I’ve seen in a seriously long time.
DO try to ignore the woman in the bathroom who sounds like she… umm… has her O face on… while peeing (Office Space reference for those of you who are not fluent).
DO excuse yourself into the hallway when you can no longer contain your snickers as they have escalated into fits of laughter that I have not experienced since high school.
And finally... DON’T brag about your impending date night before it actually happens. You’ve only jinxed yourself and the evening by doing so. Case in point…
Yes, we're all fine. Jamie was only one involved. Babs (Big Ass Buick, our DR saving grace) didn't come out so well though. We're still praying for her possible, but uncertain, recovery. Date night cancelled :-(
DO invite a friend that you don’t hang out with nearly enough to the movies. Thanks Carrie for being my Saturday night date and chauffeur.
DO go see The Ugly Truth. This is possibly the funniest movie I’ve seen in a seriously long time.
DO try to ignore the woman in the bathroom who sounds like she… umm… has her O face on… while peeing (Office Space reference for those of you who are not fluent).
DO excuse yourself into the hallway when you can no longer contain your snickers as they have escalated into fits of laughter that I have not experienced since high school.
And finally... DON’T brag about your impending date night before it actually happens. You’ve only jinxed yourself and the evening by doing so. Case in point…

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