I'm secretly happy that my husband caught my cold. Misery loves company, right? But of course this is a doubled edge sword because I can no longer expect him to do the little things around the house while I lie lifeless on the sofa.
I feel at a loss with dear sweet Aiden. He's at that age where I know his mind is wondering while I'm ranting about his need to make good decisions and do the right thing. Which makes me madder? That he doesn't DO the right thing or that he's thinking of Bakugan while I'm in the middle of my spill? Either way, it makes me want to rant more. So, effective yesterday - less rant more action. I'm showing him with actions instead of words. Which also means more physical labor on his part. But hey, that's why I had kids, right?
That last statement is from my own childhood because I was convinced - beyond a shadow of a doubt - of my parent's motivations for having us. They needed someone to do the dishes right and sweep the floor. Well, now I find myself saying the very same thing when he complains - hey, that's why I had kids - of course, I'm only joking, I think...
I'm embarrassed to admit that I have ordered 7 boxes of girl scout cookies. S.E.V.E.N. It wasn't intentional, I bought 5 from work because I didn't know any other girl scout to purchase from. Well that was until our sweet little neighbor rung our door bell.
Aiden's preparing for his first Pinewood Derby for Cub Scouts. I honestly had no idea the importance and competition that came along with 'da derby. Kinda wondering how we're going to shape this here wood into a speed giant? Any tips?