Saturday, December 6, 2008

Remembering the Meaning

I recently saw this posted on another blogger's site. Watching the video is a subtle (or not so subtle...) reminder of the *true* meaning of Christmas. Seems each year, I begin with honest intentions not to get wrapped up in the constant 'buy mentality' that is always associated with this time of year. However, it always seems that the responsiblity to plan, budget, and purchase gifts is left up to me. In fact, if there's a gift under our tree, chances are I bought, wrapped, and tagged that sucker.

I think the one thing that really stuck with me is how much we, as Americans, spend on Christmas. Could you imagine what we could do if we were less materialistic and more giving ourselves, our time, our money?
So this year, it's not too late - do more, give more, spend less.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Our church has been promoting this video for about a month now. The video is fun to watch, but something about it bugs me...I can't quite put my finger on it.