Friday, April 24, 2009

The List

It occurred to me today that I am nearing that one month mark until my next birthday. My 31st birthday... So, in some ways I wonder what have a really accomplished in my 31 years. I won't begin to share a list with you because I would sell myself short of real accomplishments.

But here, teetering on 31, I don't see myself where I want to be, who I want to be. I set evasive goals for myself such as to have real connections with others, be happy with myself, come closer to God, lose weight. But they are never specific, real examples. And at times I feel I have little to show for it.

Over the next month I have vowed to make a 'To Do by 35' list, a bucket list if you will. Specific things that I can look back on my life and know that I have done something for myself and for others.

So, I ask you this: Do you have a list? A real, factual, hard copy of a list? What's on it? I'll show you mine, if you show me yours.

I found this recently and it stuck with me.

True Joy of Life by George Bernard Shaw

This is the true joy of life.
The being used for a purpose
Recognized by yourself as a mighty one.
The being a force of nature
Instead of a feverish, selfish
Little clod of ailments and grievances
Complaining that the world will not
Devote itself to making you happy.
I am of the opinion that my life
Belongs to the whole community
And as long as I live,
It is my privilege to do for it
Whatever I can.
I want to be thoroughly
Used up when I die,
For the harder I work the more I live.
I rejoice in life for its own sake.
Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch
Which I've got hold of
For the moment
And I want to make it burn
As brightly as possible before
Handling it on to future generations.


Anonymous said...

Live a life of NO REGRETS...not easy to do and yet in ways that is what you want - to live life to its fullest. Take time to smell the roses. In the end it is not how big a home you have, how much weight you lost, how much money is in the bank. In the end what counts is did you do what God would have us do by feeding the poor, the hunger, being kind to your neighbor, not coveting others...the list goes on. IT is about being content with what you have and loving yourself and giving others what you would want and treating others the way you want to be treated. Do not sweat the small is all small stuff. I love you, I honor you, I give you my heart. Mom

Jason said...

Think of it as Twenty-Eleven like I do. It doesn't help much but it sounds cooler. :)

Anonymous said...

The biggest goal I've established lately is one I plan to spend the next 5 years working on. Of course, I've got some help from my horse Huck to aid me along. My goal is for me and Huck to complete a 100-mile endurance ride within the next 5 years. I think we'll be pushing that 5 year mark to accomplish this goal, but it's my biggest long-term goal ever established. And every day in the next 5 years counts. So it's kinda a cool goal, overall.