Saturday, May 2, 2009

Big Boys Don't Cry

Not unless you have have a goalie block their score three times. And it was a *GIRL* goalie at that. (Girls rock, don't they?) So in one 40-minute soccer scrimmage, we went from this...

to this...

But you would have been proud, kind of sort of. Technically, Aiden scored all 3 of the points for this team. However, he only played when they were running the ball towards his goal. The rest of the time was spent throwing his arms and legs around like a homicidal maniac when the ball didn't reach the net or when something didn't go his way. It was somewhat humorous by the end of the game because Aiden's team (who started off with 7 of the 9 present) was down to the goalie playing offense and defense, as well as is initial position of goalie. All the others had dropped out, disappeared, or were sitting in a parent induced time out (oh wait, that was only my son...) Happy days...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like I missed a good game...thank you so much for sharing! Mom