Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Procrasinator's 10 on Tuesday (yes, I know it's Wednesday...)

1. RIP Babs... Our car did not survive. We received notice that the insurance company will be totaling out the car. This makes me very sad because she was such a great ride. If you looked beyond the broken AC, this might have been the best riding car I've know. It was like riding on a pillow, even at 12 years old! Did I mention free to? I'm sure the lack of car payments made the ride even more comfy and the pillow a little softer.

2. So many thanks to my Mom and Dad for loaning us Babs. (No, she didn't come to us with that name. I gave it to her. Funny that I'll name other people's cars but not my own, huh.)

3. 1 week and counting till Aiden starts Kindergarten. That is INSANE. One week?! His school shoes came today by mail. He's so excited about them. I had to tell him to take them off twice already. It would be great if he could be this excited about the uniformed polos he'll get to wear day in and day out. CORRECTION: Um, that's two weeks and counting. Apparently I can't read a calendar.

4. Okay, shoot me now for saying it, but this uniform thing might not be so bad, at least for having a son who like most typical males has no interest in shopping. And trust me, he's not the easiest child to shop for and definitely not with. I was able to take him to two local stores to size his clothing (in and out at the speed of lighting, only for this sole purpose, the goal was to limit any potential meltdowns). And this weekend I ordered everything online. Sweet. To make it even better, we only had to pay a book fee for school and all of his school supplies are provided from that. Convenience is my friend.

5. Speaking of Aiden, the little guy just got in trouble... He won't stay still long enough to fall asleep EVER. Sometimes you just wanna strap him down to something just to see if it's physically possible for him to stay still. Any thoughts on how to get him to fall to sleep quicker? We do the same routine night after night. And each night, he manages to keep himself awake well into the night.

6. It feels like months ago that I was bragging about my impending vacation. And here it is (what feels like but not really) months later still trying to catch up from my little vacation. Will it slow down?

7. Although... my pedicure still looks pretty cute from my vacation. There's something to be said for that.

8. Jamie's leaving me to see Paul McCartney in Atlanta this weekend. You stink Jamie Sugg!

9. I think Andy (our basset hound) is getting really old. He's hearing is starting to go and he's getting a little senile. He'll be ten this year. But we can tell a big difference lately. Although lucky, he's healthy otherwise.

10. Well, story time duty calls. Off to tuck the squirmy worm into bed...

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Andy's turning 10? Has it really been that long? I remember when he was a young puppy!