Sunday, January 25, 2009

Did I Shave My Legs For This?

Friday morning, I got all prim and proper to meet my new doctor. No, not one of THOSE doctors, just a general medical doctor. One that I can go to when I get the sniffles and such. But since I haven't had a basic check up in a year or more, I couldn't remember what might need to be groomed - legs, pits, etc.

After arriving on time (which is a miracle in itself), I was forced to wait the standard one hour for medical care. Good thing I wasn't dying! But here's the catch, the doc was in and out in a matter of .5 seconds. I sat stunned at the speed of service... and the lack of service... and with the lingering thought Did I shave my legs for this?

Call me a stickler, but what about bedside manner, what about introductions, what about my general check up? I left a prescription, but not sure what was even wrong. Is it too much to ask for a little communication? Why is it that doctors seem to lack this capacity? It's as if you get a degree and white coat and your since of humanity and compassion goes out the window. (Yes, I know theses statements are over generalized because I have had some great doctors and know some great doctors as well. But I'm talking about the whole of my medical experiences.)


Amanda said...

Eh, they're out there. I say go find another one. Sorry for the wait and the crappy service.

Brianne said...

This cracks me up! Sorry for the poor service. I am with Amanda- shop around! There are some really good ones out there!