Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just Plain Hot!

No, I'm not talking about me... :D But this summer weather is just too darn hot. I'm ready for the cool breeze of fall, for football games, and tricker treating!
Another oldie but goodie...

Speaking of which - Aiden's been going back and forth for nearly two months as to which super hero he will be for Halloween. Now I understand why we had three possible costume options growing up: the nurse, the army (wo)man, or the ghost. Meaning, my mom's nursing uniform (she was brave, huh?), her army uniform, or a plain white sheet - but I'm still not sure she would have cut eyes out for us... To date, the kid's given more time and attention to this issue than Congress has to the national deficit! And what I know is that in the end, he's probably not going to be happy with any one suit because he wants to be them all. So, it will be interesting to see who we end up with.

(I blame it on being female, but I'm not sure I'll ever understand the facination with super heroes.)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Too Late To Start A New Years Resolution?

Hi and welcome!

After much time and consideration, I figured I'd join the ranks among other moms in effort to document some of the memories from Aiden's fleeting childhood and give you a glimpse into the disorder that is our life!

Looking back over some pictures of Aiden today, I realized how much he's grown, changed, evolved into this little (well, not so little) person. Saying that you'll miss it in a blink of an eye is an understatement at four. I spend too much time trying to tame him that I haven't let myself enjoy who he is. So, perhaps among the other half a dozen goals I have for myself, first and foremost is to spend a little more time playing and a little less worrying. So, that in the end I will know him better as a person and he will know me.