Thursday, December 17, 2009

In Case You Were Looking For It...

I've found Santa's address.

Aiden has been determined to write Santa a letter this year. Lets hope Santa can read sanskript - just kidding, it wasn't that bad. While I was finally getting out Christmas cards last night, he wanted to send one to Santa as well. Thought I'd save you the effort of looking for the address yourself if you needed.

Next up, where do you send baby Jesus's birthday card?

Santa Claus
1 Reindeer Lane
North Pole


Santa Claus
North Pole
HoH oHo

or just...

Santa Claus
North Pole

FYI: (and cover all little eyes)
Apparently the Post Office will just forward this back to you... Does that still cost a stamp?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It is Tuesday, isn't it?

1. Okay - yes, I struggled in remembering my password when logging on tonight. A sure sign that I haven't blogged in what... crap, nearly a month. Where did the time go? To be clever, I had planned to blog for the 12 days of Christmas but that didn't work out either... But I'm down to 9 days now, right? Would that count? Maybe I'll give it a try. No promises.

2. So, I'm concerned with the passage of time. It seems like between Thanksgiving and now, time has flown. I guess in defense of it all, we were in Georgia for Thanksgiving (yeah, what a wonderful trip!), then there was the casting call of birthdays (btw, happy birthday to all...), gifts to be bought for Christmas (but yet to be wrapped), and now I feel like there's just enough time for me to smush in some holiday spirit before Christmas is over and done.

3. Doesn't it feel like Christmas is missing something? Even Aiden's noticed it. He keeps telling me he just doesn't feel like he should for Christmas. I know what he means. Maybe now with the tree finally up and the house decorated (somewhat...) it will feel more like the holidays.

4. Aiden's Kindergarten class held a Christmas play last night. Aiden was one of the three wisemen. He did a great job - despite scratching himself... the entire time... Leave it to my son.

5. Work's work. Jamie and I both agree that it stinks for us this time of year. For him, they're swamped with Christmas parties and business luncheons at the restaurant. For me, everyone wants a little extra help this time of the year, which makes my life insane. See #3 for more venting.

6. On a happier note, my Christmas shopping is d-o-n-e. Still doesn't stop me from continuing to shop. Why is that?

7. I think this is the first year that I've come to some peace about our shabby little tree. Typically I spend the entire season fretting about it all. But this year - it is what it is - and I'm okay with it. It's a tree and that's enough for me.

8. Any holiday solutions for whining? If it's not Aiden, it's Andy (our dog). Holy smokes, it amazing me that I'm sane any day of the week.

9. I don't want to over do it for my first night back in blogging, so I'm cutting it short by one. I'll make it up to you next time!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1. Let me begin by getting the bad stuff out of the way... I have a sinking feeling tomorrow is going to s.u.c.k. It might have been a rumor but I thought I over heard something to the affect of case file reviews at work. Nothing makes my stomach sink more. You think you're doing a good job but there's always someone out there to let you know otherwise. And these people are generally brutal and have NEVER done you're job before. So, say a little prayer with me tonight!
Update: I started this list last night. Today went better than I thought or at least it could have gone a lot worse. Prayers worked and you didn't even know you were praying for me!

2. On to better news... we held another successful yard sale on Saturday. It's amazing how much stuff one has. Even now, we could probably hold another one and still make another $100. Insane.

3. In my personal opinion... there are two things that create a successful yardsale (1) hold it in a good neighborhood. Rich people's junk is always better than mine, right? and (2) one hyphenated word makes all the difference: Multi-family.

4. Besides getting rid of two pets, any thoughts on how to stop my dog from barfing on the floor and stop my cat from shedding? You'd be my hero if you could figure that out for me. And while you're at it, figure out a way to teach them to clean my house while I'm away. That would seriously make my day.

5. I love this time of year but there is one thing that drives me crazy year after year... I'll send weeks hunting down the best deal on the perfect gift and either 1 of 2 things will happen - I'll miss the best deal waiting for another one to happen (ie. last year's blu-ray incident) or I'll purchase too soon and find a better deal later on (ie. this year's moon incident). And I'm too cheap to pay shipping to return an item. I wish there was a way items would say "Hey loser, this is the best deal your going to get - Take it."

6. Aiden lost another tooth yesterday. We're down two now. And I can already see the need for orthodontics. Guess that gives me 5-7 years to start saving, right? Ah, I say that like I can even save for Christmas, let along dental work a decade from now!

7. Saturday is our annual Pirate football game. There was apparently an unwritten statement in our marital contract which requires me to one live-and-in-person football game a year. As a dutiful and faithful wife, I have fulfilled my requirement for the last 8 years - totalling 8 games, not one more :-). But seriously, I don't mind them. It's just difficult to entertain a 5 year old in 24 inches of wiggle room for 3+ hours.

8. Having said #7: Lets go Pirates! (guilt...)

9. I'm still recovering from Saturday's night Orange Chicken incident. Thank you Parker's for coming to my rescue.

10. And for the finale... We're counting the days until we get to spend a great Thanksgiving with the Lewis'! 9 days and counting.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I totally copied these from another site. If you thought this list was long, you should have seen the original one.

...the value of your car doubles every time you fill the gas tank!
…you see a guy driving a 15 year old car and you think, I wonder if he would sell it to me .
…you had 4 very successful yards sales and you can still find things to sell.
…your automatic response to the phrase "Mom, I want..." is "Save up!" count late fees from the library as an addition to your debt snowball.
…you respond "better than I deserve" every time someone asks you how you're doing.
…you start a sentence with "Well, Dave says..." and your friends just roll their eyes and walk away.
…the guy who works at Quik-Trip makes fun of you for putting cash your QT Gas Card every week instead of just using your debit card. Replace this with Walmart and you’ve got me…
…you walk down a row of cars at the mall and wonder how many might be paid for. say, "Because Dave said so," every time your kids ask why they have to eat beans and rice again. I’ve never actually eaten beans and rice but we eat our share in sausage and peppers or PB&J, does that count?
…you rinse out a sandwich bag for reuse.
…your children run and hide in a panic when you ask them "I wonder what I can sell on Ebay Now?"
…you've cut your dryer sheets in half to get double the use per box. No, but there’s an idea.
…you've cut your own hair to avoid paying a hairstylist. Okay, no… but I’ve shaved Jamie’s head a time or two and threatened to do Aiden’s. feel sorry for your friend when she goes on a shopping spree, instead of jealous. Only if she just put 5 pairs of GAP jeans on her credit card , this actually just happened.
…the internal temperature in the house is 62 degrees and you try to justify turning the thermostat down a little bit more to save on energy costs.
…your 9 & 7 YO kids believe in Santa because Mom & Dad would NEVER buy all that stuff!
…you go shopping for a new purse, and it HAS TO BE a shape to work with your envelopes.
…the thought of shopping for stuff you don't need makes you ill. move in with your in laws to save money. see furniture on the side of the road and you realize it's in better shape than your own. use credit cards and Satan in the same sentence. price compare thrift shops for the best bargain. still have money on your Christmas gift card cause you really really can't spend the money.
…you make your own laundry soap for 3 cents per load and cannot keep from telling everyone you know how to do it themselves!!! Can you really do that?
…you are excited at the opportunity to go grocery shopping and whip out the crazy envelope wallet in the hopes that it will spur a conversation with anyone about getting out of debt!!
…you shed tears watching the baby gazelle escape the cheetah "go baby go go go go go!"
…you see someone driving an economical 88 honda accord and you know that it has to be paid for and your are jealous...
…you keep a budget on your fridge in your purse and on your mirror in the bathroom to remind you what you are trying to do!
…you can spend less than $3 dollars at Wendy's and feed two people.
...your pets have their own envelope. are shopping for office supplies with the company credit card and still feel bad. are shopping for office supplies for work and can't bear to not compare prices, buy generic and get the very best deal. are eating off a card table because you would rather put your money toward a fully funded emergency fund. have enough checks to last you three years, because you ordered them BDR (Before Dave Ramsey).
…your 5&6 y.o. go around saying, "Credit cards are EVIL! Evil I tell ya" and your 2 y.o. follows them around saying, "Evil, Evil."'s a good thing to be awake in the middle of the night thinking about money. Not because you can't sleep from fear but because you can't sleep for thinking about what you can cut to pay off the debt sooner.
…you see the "immigrants" driving some beat up car with 4 guys riding together and think that's really smart, good for them.
…you hear about someone winning a large sum of money and you think about how much debt you could pay off if you had won it.
…your 6 year old asks you if we're debt free yet This has happened, but he was 5…
…you have to tell the bank teller the number of each specific denomination you need when you get your cash so it will be easily split between your 7 envelopes AND so the 3 kids on commission who need to be paid in all ones can easily split their commission for their OWN envelopes. EVERY time.
…"freeeeedom" is no longer thought of as a phrase from Braveheart, but rather a signal that someone is debt free.
…you would rather learn how to sew a slip cover than to spend money on a new couch plan camping vacations months in advance, not to make sure you can get the time off but so it doesn't throw your budget off.
…you begin referring to yourself as the "King of cheap Saturday" know, walks in the park, making sandwiches, free movies at the town plaza.
…the van breaks down and you think, "Is this REALLY an emergency, I could just walk to work for the next month. It's only a couple miles." because you don't want to disturb the BEF. associate "Another One Bites the Dust" with plasectomy. actually know what a plasectomy is.
…you spend hours, literally, making out weekly menu's based on sale papers.
…the highlight of your trip to the grocery store is reading the total savings on the receipt when you leave the store.
…you think about Christmas coming up in 4 months, and you know that you cannot afford it this year. You tell your kids "Christmas is a craft"!
…you fantasize about the day you'll be able to scream "I'M DEBT FREE!!!"
…you and your spouse exchange the SAME Christmas card back and forth to save money. think all these things are funny and awesome instead of down right pathetic.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkins Anyone?

(And now you're caught up on the last 27 days! )

Briley's Pumpkin Patch

A Ball of Conflictedness

I don't write because I feel like a big ball of contradiction and conflictedness. And typically my conflictedness comes with the gifted ability to piss someone off. Sweet skill, huh?

But what I'm slowly learning though is that people don't really want to know what your thinking when it's not the happy, happy, joy, joy types of feelings. So, then you learn to keep all these thing to yourself but eventually they start to get you. And you find yourself not wanting to say anything because anything is too much. And it's difficult to stop once you've started.

And to make it worse, my conflicted contradictions seem to be about those closest to me. No, I'm not talking about you, promise ;-) But I have issues with the SAHM, the working mom, with work, school, church, with family, even with the weather...

And what I find is that it really comes down to ALL the roles. Too many hats and my head's not the right size for any of them. Meaning that I don't fit any of them well. So, at the end of the day I give everything and accomplish nothing, always feeling as if I've failed, fallen short (no pun...), typically leaving one relationship behind.

So, what's a girl to do? Whoever said you could do it all never actually had to do it all. It's great in theory but try putting it into practice.

I guess what makes it worse is that in the end, there is nothing I can do. I just keep trudging on but in the meantime how do you keep from feeling empty and lost?

For those of you that don't like to hear me whine, I'm going to post a bunch of pics to make up for it. :-) Your welcome!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

He Read to Me

Tonight marks another milestone - Aiden actually read a story to me! He's so freakin' smart!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mixing Things Up - Posting a 10 on Wednesday

1. I'm sick. It sucks. I can't decide if it's some yucky sinus issue or the beginnings of a cold. I'm leaning towards the cold - I'm just too tired and achy with a slight head. It is not the flu. You can leave your masks at home if coming to visit me.

2. Work s.u.c.k.s. Nuff said.

3. Sucks appears to the word of the day. Maybe I'll try to add it to each of the following for your enjoyment. Just kidding. I'm not feeling that creative tonight.

4. I owed the biggest library fee ever. Seriously. I promise. You better sit down for this - $110.96. Yes, can you believe it?!? I borrowed a book on CD from the library and apparently when Jamie drove my car recently he moved the seat back, breaking it in half. Just my luck, the CD is no longer in print ANYWHERE. Who knew it could be so freakin' expensive?

5. I was brave and did the grown up thing. I went to the library director to negotiate a reduced fee. Used my DR skills. Even did research so that I could ever-so-kindly argue the valid point that even if I paid the full fee, the CD set was no longer in print and it could not be replace (yes, I felt bad about this). But surprisingly, the director was way more reasonable (and friendly) than the first woman I spoke with and we were able to negotiate a very reasonable deal. Thanks Mr. Nelms!

6. Jamie just corrected me about the chronological order of events for the movie Ghost. I find that mildly amusing. Slightly concerning.

7. I'm itching to revamp our living room. Well, the entire house to be honest. But I should go one room at a time. Should probably start with the ones I still haven't finished from when we move in 4 years ago - ie our bedroom, Aiden's room, etc - but that seems too reasonable.

8. The living room seems like a good place to start. It feels too formal for my taste. I want something warm and welcoming. If you have a flair for interior design, feel free to stop by and give me some tips. Just call in advance so that I can make sure the house isn't in a destroyed state.

9. Aiden's sleeping on his top bunk tonight. That's pretty big stuff around here.

10. I'm struggling with Halloween and Christmas ideas for the kid. I want so desperately to move away from the traditional media types things. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Friend, the reusable water bottle

Sigg and I just made up - I just completed my return form for a replacement bottle!

If you have a Sigg bottle check out their website to see if you're bottle has the new and improved EcoLiner, or the old BPA friendly one, like mine... Then go here to obtain the return form and mailing address for your BPA friendly bottle.

Thanks Sigg for doing the right thing! And making my day!

This is my public service announce for the month :-)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm Not Saying He's a Slow Driver but...

I know we've all made a game of it - you're driving home late at night, your tired, willing to try anything to stay awake, the conversation with your significant other is less than engaging. So you begin guessing the type of car behind you based on the headlights in the rear view mirror.

This is the scene Sunday night on our way home from Raleigh after great weekend at the lake then a wonderful celebration of Savannah's 2nd birthday (Happy Birthday, Savannah!). Needless to say, we were exhausted. I wanted to be nowhere else besides snuggled up in my bed. Then Jamie begins this game. He's not so bad at it, so he keeps at it. He's well entertained.

...I am not. Car after car pass by us. Seriously? Does he not see what's happening? I hated to do it but I had to bust his bubble.

We finally made it home. But only after giving up the game.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The 10 spot

1. It's hard for me to believe that it's been 2 weeks since Aiden started school. It's practically mid-September. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are just around the corner. Where has all the time gone? But I couldn't be more thrilled. The weather is fantastic and Fall IS my favorite time of year.

2. Last week I was convinced that I had accidentally put in Jamie's contacts instead of my own (eww, I know... But it has happened once before...) But now I'm convinced that I've gone blind practically overnight. Seriously. Last Tuesday things were blurry and I blamed it own tired eyes. Wednesday I left work with a major migraine, blurry vision, and had my blood pressure checked just in case. It was normal. A week later, the blurry vision continues. What stinks is... Do I give in and have my vision checked even though my glasses are practically new and I have an entire box of untouched contacts? (knowing that both will have to be replaced before I can see again) OR do I suck it up? Right now I have all intentions of sucking it up and getting the most out of my glasses and contacts.

3. If Nalgene or Kleen Kantene are my new BFF, then Sigg's would definitely be my ex-BFF. Last summer/fall they stopped internet sales of their water bottles because they supposedly couldn't keep up with the demand of sales to businesses, let alone individuals. During such time, I had to pay an arm & a leg for mine from another site. And now, a year later, they released notice that tests ran during that very same period found that the supposedly BPA free lining wasn't so BPA free after all. They've since starting producing an eco-friendly lining, ironically at the same time they started internet sales again. Just all seems too coincidental to me... You just can't tell me they didn't know about the BPA thing. I think if they were more willing to replace these bottles, then I would be okay with the Sigg company. But they aren't, and I'm not. So, I'm breaking up with them, officially.

4. Hold your applause until the end, but I've just synced my very first playlist to ipod. No. The ipod is not new. It's been sitting in my car for 6 months now and in the cabinet for 6 months prior to that. But I'm thrilled to have more options than 1 Sheryl Crow song and Barry Manilow for running purposes. I feel that my workouts will take on a new meaning after this!

5. Did I mention I'm finally back into running. Yeah. It's a slow process, building back up. But I'm thrilled to be trying again. Now if I just weren't so out of shape! Ugh!

6. Why is it that just before your scheduled for a manicure your nails begin to chip and break?

7. Dope, I think Aiden just feel off the bed. Either that or the sky really is falling, Chicken Little. Question is: Do I go check on him or wait for a cry? So far it appears that I'm waiting for a cry cry so far. Hmm, I hope he's still alive ...still nothing, huh.

8. Kindergarten is going well for Aiden. Kinda, sorta. I feel that I may be completely qualified to write a book on creative discipline after this though. Currently, we have our son completing "community service" hours in effort to learn that "our hands are for helping."

9. By the way, we're accepting applications and suggestions for community service activities for a qualified 5 year old, accompanied by a professional supervising parental figure. It's harder than it looks finding projects for him. If we could just get one good hurricane this year, we'd have our work cut out for us in way of limb collection projects!

10. I am so completely thankful for a short week. 3 crumby days left!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mission: First Day Kindergarten

As if I haven't been referencing this occasion for the last several weeks or months... Today was Aiden's first day of school!

It's not so much the fact that he's no longer a toddler or pre-schooler, but it's a marker of his first five years of life. Five years that have gone by so quickly. In a sad way, it's time that we'll never get back. So many firsts are behind us. But then again, so many more are to come.

To start a few traditions, we decided to toast to a new year and new beginnings. Aiden got a kick out of this since we pulled out the champagne glasses and all. Along with the toast, we fixed his favorite breakfast, took first day pics, and accompanied him to school. Tonight we attempted to have a special dinner to discuss first day events. We served dinner in reverse - dessert, meal, then apps. It didn't go over as well as I had hoped though. Aiden actually decided to eat lunch so he wasn't starved like last night when he ate two PB&J... So he was more selective and didn't care for the dessert I selected. Oh, well... at least the conversation was good.

The Mature Faces of a Kindergartner... The Silly Face
The Serious Face
I'm not sure if this is the I've Got a Secret face or the I've Gotta Pee face...

Aiden in his classroom. The kid when straight for the Lego's

Aiden and Ms. Rowlette, his teacher

Another 10 - On Tuesday This Time!

1. Today was Aiden's first day of school. Can you believe it? Kindergarten! I won't turn this into a top 10 'cause I'm planning to blog about it tonight and bore you with all the details, maybe even post a little photo footage for your enjoyment.

2. However, I can blog about other kids starting school, right? A friend of mine informed me that at their Kindergarten open house they were informed that each child would have a personal laptop to use during school hours. This was Kindergarten orientation and not orientation for Wake Forest University, right?

3. Wow... showing my age there, huh? It was like 10 years ago when they gave all incoming freshmen laptops. Well, gave probably wasn't the right word. It was included in the $25k/year tuition. They definitely paid for them - some, I imagine (like myself...) still are.

4. I should probably note that said friend does NOT live in NC. Imagine that...

5. Last weekend rocked! I had a little girl time with some of the old CPW's crew that I haven't hung out with in years. They're a really fun group. Why didn't I hang out with them more?
A. Happy Birthday Lorrie!
B. I should enter a cheese ball shaping contest. Nuff said.

6. I'm a South Beach drop out. I don't want to talk about it. Well, maybe I do... I want to get this whole skinny thing right. I'm tired of planning and then skipping out on the follow through. I just want to stick with something till the end. Oh me...

7. That is my biggest pet peeve about myself: Self discipline, or the lack there of. But how do you change it? Start small, sure. But my goals are so BIG. I don't even know where small begins anymore.

8. I'm addicted to the People Magazine app on my Blackberry.

9. Jamie's already getting facebook messages about his 20th High School reunion. Hehe.. yeah, I said 20th...

10. I've turned into a superhero nazi at my house. For better or worse, I've boxed up every superhero toy that does not exhibit some type of educational, non-violent value. Maybe it's a test or maybe the disciplinary action was just a way for me to rid the world of superheroes, one step at a time. It's not that they are evil. I'm all for someone saving the universe. But I'm tired of always hearing about it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shoot, I'm Just Going to Start Calling It Wednesday's 10...

1. Maybe it just seems that Tuesday comes around too quickly and I don't have time to prepare myself for a list. It's not like I have to do a Tuesday's 10... but since my brain seems to work in random sprints, it kinda works for me. Who knows, maybe I'll start blogging daily in terms of a top 10 list. Then again I could never be as clever as David Letterman.

2. Today enters day 3 of South Beach and I'm down 3.2 pounds. (Only 47.8 zillion to go.) I only tell you this so that next time you see me and ask how South Beach is going, I can laugh in your face.

3. Aiden and I had a great weekend. Jamie was in Atlanta to see Paul McCartney (which btw, he said he was great but it rained the entire show!). Many thanks to Claudia, Alessio, & Stella for keeping us company! We created some (er...) interesting science experiments with citric acid, baking soda, and milk. Yes, milk. Aiden figured out a way to make perfectly good milk curdle. I'm hoping this will mark his beginnings to become a brillant scientist that will make me (opps, him) lots of money. But in the mean time, we also played at the park and caught a matinee showing of Aliens in the Attic. Sunday, Aiden was a champ and helped me with the grocery shopping before Jamie arrived back home.

4. This coming weekend we'll start our second round of Financial Peace University (with Dave Ramsey). Since we're on the verge of doing something great (paying off our credit cards), we wanted to take an opportunity to review, re-focus, and establish some new goals. I'm excited about it ... such a nerd!

5. Any one with kids should subscribe to this magazine: Disney's Family Fun. Month after month it continues to surprise me with creative new ideas. If I only took the time to do each of them...

6. I received a notice from College Foundation that my Promissory Note had ended (or expired, can't remember). Being that these notes are only good for 10 years, do you realize the significance of this? Man, I'm getting old!

7. So, does anybody else keep up the Kardashians? Technically I don't but do find it interested that Kourtney's preggers... So much for Kourtney and Khloe taking Miami by storm... Maybe they'll take Miami by baby carriage or bottle or something?

8. Can I just tell you that work is insane?! I am up to my eyeballs in files! And there's no rest for the weary.

9. A friend of ours is having pretty major surgery Friday. Fred, we're keeping you in our prayers. We hope that everything goes well and you have a speedy recovery.

10. Aiden's getting his official 'school hair cut' Thursday afternoon. Only 6 more days till he's no longer a Pre-K kiddo. I honestly can't believe it. Any suggestions on making his first day more special? Any traditions that you could pass on to us?

Friday, August 14, 2009

What's Entertaining Us: You Tube

Now tell me, how much free time do you think this kid has on his hands?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The List

Turning, I began looking back over the last five years of my life and with great concern, I didn't feel that I had a lot to say for it. Sure, I was a mother, a wife, a worker bee - but in terms of what I had done, what I had accomplished - the list felt short.

So, to set the next five years right, I've made a list of things I want to do, to accomplish by my 36th birthday. The list is small and meek, but I want to be realistic in my efforts. No matter what I put on paper (or computer screen), we all know that life holds a lot more for us, more than we can anticipate. So, with that, I wanted to keep it small to make it accomplishable.

1. See the Northern Lights
2. Take Aiden to Disney while it's still magical
3. Live under the 150
4. Change careers, try something new where it's more than a paycheck
5. Rid my closet of clothes older than 3 years old. Replace them with something great
6. Run a 5k and a 10k, I don't know if I could do a 1/2 marathon again (sure I could...)
7. Take a cooking, photography, and/or sewing class
8. Teach someone something
9. Volunteer
10. Learn to cook on the grill

So, there it is. Technically, I could start by doing two each year. Hmm, I'd like to start with the Northern Lights and Disney (don't I wish...)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Procrasinator's 10 on Tuesday (yes, I know it's Wednesday...)

1. RIP Babs... Our car did not survive. We received notice that the insurance company will be totaling out the car. This makes me very sad because she was such a great ride. If you looked beyond the broken AC, this might have been the best riding car I've know. It was like riding on a pillow, even at 12 years old! Did I mention free to? I'm sure the lack of car payments made the ride even more comfy and the pillow a little softer.

2. So many thanks to my Mom and Dad for loaning us Babs. (No, she didn't come to us with that name. I gave it to her. Funny that I'll name other people's cars but not my own, huh.)

3. 1 week and counting till Aiden starts Kindergarten. That is INSANE. One week?! His school shoes came today by mail. He's so excited about them. I had to tell him to take them off twice already. It would be great if he could be this excited about the uniformed polos he'll get to wear day in and day out. CORRECTION: Um, that's two weeks and counting. Apparently I can't read a calendar.

4. Okay, shoot me now for saying it, but this uniform thing might not be so bad, at least for having a son who like most typical males has no interest in shopping. And trust me, he's not the easiest child to shop for and definitely not with. I was able to take him to two local stores to size his clothing (in and out at the speed of lighting, only for this sole purpose, the goal was to limit any potential meltdowns). And this weekend I ordered everything online. Sweet. To make it even better, we only had to pay a book fee for school and all of his school supplies are provided from that. Convenience is my friend.

5. Speaking of Aiden, the little guy just got in trouble... He won't stay still long enough to fall asleep EVER. Sometimes you just wanna strap him down to something just to see if it's physically possible for him to stay still. Any thoughts on how to get him to fall to sleep quicker? We do the same routine night after night. And each night, he manages to keep himself awake well into the night.

6. It feels like months ago that I was bragging about my impending vacation. And here it is (what feels like but not really) months later still trying to catch up from my little vacation. Will it slow down?

7. Although... my pedicure still looks pretty cute from my vacation. There's something to be said for that.

8. Jamie's leaving me to see Paul McCartney in Atlanta this weekend. You stink Jamie Sugg!

9. I think Andy (our basset hound) is getting really old. He's hearing is starting to go and he's getting a little senile. He'll be ten this year. But we can tell a big difference lately. Although lucky, he's healthy otherwise.

10. Well, story time duty calls. Off to tuck the squirmy worm into bed...

Surfs Up: Atlantic Beach

Sunday, August 2, 2009

5 Do's and A Don't: Lessons Learned In A Weekend

DO use the time trapped at home on a rainy, car-less, Sunday afternoon to do something constructive besides finishing another book. …Clean… There’s a revolutionary concept. My neat freak sister would approve!

DO invite a friend that you don’t hang out with nearly enough to the movies. Thanks Carrie for being my Saturday night date and chauffeur.

DO go see The Ugly Truth. This is possibly the funniest movie I’ve seen in a seriously long time.

DO try to ignore the woman in the bathroom who sounds like she… umm… has her O face on… while peeing (Office Space reference for those of you who are not fluent).

DO excuse yourself into the hallway when you can no longer contain your snickers as they have escalated into fits of laughter that I have not experienced since high school.

And finally... DON’T brag about your impending date night before it actually happens. You’ve only jinxed yourself and the evening by doing so. Case in point…

Yes, we're all fine. Jamie was only one involved. Babs (Big Ass Buick, our DR saving grace) didn't come out so well though. We're still praying for her possible, but uncertain, recovery. Date night cancelled :-(

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's Tuesday... Again?

Has it really been two weeks? You know, I had planned to blog my entire vacation, rubbing it in that I was there and you were here. But that didn't really happen, did it?

1. Nope, it didn't because I was too absorbed by the Twilight series. I think I read through my entire week long vacation, at least when I wasn't working off the cost of my airfare for my mom (slave labor - opps, did I say that? J/K). But even then I tried to sneak in a few pages here and there. But can we just say - I love these books. Even just yesterday I am guilty of admitting to my sister that I wanted to be Bella, even if she is running from vampires and stuff like that. Vampires, shampires... I can take'em.

2. Everyone always asked if you missed your babies a lot while you were away. Truth is... yes (I have to say that, but it's also true). But I didn't miss Aiden and Jamie the way you would think. Maybe because I knew Aiden was being cared for with the most capable hands and had a 5 day supply of matching outfits - to avoid any chance of Jamie dressing him...

But I did have a great deal of anxiety about leaving. It was harder to leave, and I kinda freaked a little on the car ride up. Once I was on the plane, that subsided and I was okay from there. But it was so good to see the expression on Aiden's face when we returned home.

3. That being said, I think everyone needs vacations from the family every now and then. It gives you a chance to re-evaluate.

4. I do have pictures. (I can see that you're surprised by that?) But haven't uploaded them yet. I'll be sure to post a few once I do.

5. The worst thing about vacations is coming back to work. It's not even so much returning to work, but the 5 days of missed emails, telephone calls, documentation that you have to catch up on. It's more like 9 missed days in my case as my client's don't fully realize that I don't physically live at my office. I'd almost say it's not worth it, but it's not worth lying to you about that.

6. Enough about my trip...Last night I downloaded Pandora to my Blackberry. Yea! I've been waiting for months to do this. Don't know why it took me so long. Now I can rock out to some 80's hits in my office while returning all 6 billion missed emails.

7. If my calculations are correct, there are exactly 150 days till Christmas. Better get you shop on. Or in my case, start saving some $$ in order to shop later.

8. Speaking of money, with any luck and a few more months of diligence, we'll have all of our credit cards paid off by October 2009. One of these days, I'll blog about my Dave Ramsey adventures. But just to say that it is possible to pay those stinkers off if you just commit to it.

9. Jamie's off Friday night. For those of you that don't realize the golden significance of this, he has approximately 1.5 Friday's off during an average year. I'm thinking of making it a date night.

10. In effort to be funny, I was going to have Webster define 'date' for you. If you happen to be in the same situation as us, as to which dates are a thing of history, a forgotten memory, this would have been a useful tool. BTW, I never thought I'd actually phrase something with the words 'as to which.')
However, in my attempts to obtain a solid definition, I came up with this instead...

Date Hair: Hair that is commonly slicked with a greasy additive and parted in the middle with the hair curling at the end. Used to impress in a date situation or when one is attired with one's "Sunday best."

Examples: Ed has nice date hair this evening. Is he going out?
Damn, Joey. That date hair looks like Ricky Ricardo had sex with a wet rat.

...Don't worry there were images attached for reference purposes. (haha)

Date Hair Image

Thanks Urban Dictionary. Oh, wait... I think I know this guy?!

Now you know how easily I am amused.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Ten's Been Reduced to (five)

1. We are women; We have double standards to live up to. - Ally McBeal
So, after all of that ranting last week about public school uniforms, we've had a significant shift in plans for the fall. Thursday I received a call from the director of Aiden's daycare. A space has come available in their Kindergarten class and we've decided to keep him there for the program. Now, how is it that I have such strong opinions on public school uniforms but nothing to say about private school uniforms? It's a double standard, I know...

2. You can imagine my first thought as soon as Ms. Tammy said her name. I think it was something similar to: Again? Yes, I can come pick him up. Isn't it terrible that this is my first thought? Although after the week he's had so far, I wouldn't be surprised if they call back to say they've changed their minds...

3. Okay, I have to disclose a little work secret. One such worker in my building (whom shall remain anonymous) has several, no multiple, framed pictures of a said President posted throughout her office. It surpasses any level of respectfulness and borders on obsession... Any who, this AM as I'm attempting to sneak in, late again (dope), I catch a whiff of Pledge, lemon scented by the way. I turn to see said worker, up to her elbows in gloves, waxing her Presidential shrine. Waxing... seriously... Who ever said government workers don't work? She was making that baby shine!

4. I have entirely too much to do before I leave for my trip this weekend. And yep, you guessed it, I'm procrastinating each step of the way. You'd think I'd learn when it comes to procrastination.

5. Recently, in a parenting magazine, I read about a creative use for that timer we bought for our Christmas tree last year. Aiden, even at 5 - I know... still sneaks in our room at night, well usually in the early AM hours. To put a stop to it, we hooked his night light up to a timer. He understands that he can only come out of his room once the light goes off in the AM. Seems to work so far.

(My list is reduced to five on account of exhaustation! I'm heading to bed.)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Follow Me Where Ever This Goes...

Tonight's one of those nights when you almost get a glimpse at how you thought it was all going to be. Good times that I'm sure to long for in the days ahead. Isn't it funny that sometimes it's the good times that make you feel the saddest or loneliest?

It was a great night - casual and relaxed. Perfect. Aiden and I were invited to dinner with friends who recently moved nearby. Ms. Claudia cooked a wonderful meal. I had my first taste of German schnitzel and squash fritters and loved it. And the kids, they play so great together. (minus that baseball bat incident yesterday...) We sat outside well after the sun had retired watching the boys defeat Decepticons and race jet planes.

When I was young, this is how I imagined I wanted my 'grown up life' to be. Close friends to sit and chat with while the kids run around slaying dragons and whatever wild creatures their imaginations will allow. It's being close to people, living in a real community where others know more about you than just what type of car you drive. It's neighborhood barbecues and vacationing with friends. It's dropping by on a cool evening, bring over fresh baked cookies or a bottle of wine (maybe, if you're lucky, both). It's sitting on your back porch together. It's sharing good recipes. It's watching the kids so that one of you can run to the grocery (maybe that bottle's empty, haha). It's about being real and having real friendships with those you are close to.

But modern technology has changed the traditional meaning of friendship. We type and share our entire world and greatest secrets with strangers. No longer do we sit and talk. We email, leave voice messages, or update our facebook status to let loved ones know whats going on. We discuss dinner plans, life goals, or just the color of your hightops (yes, I heard they're trying to make a comeback) with someone you haven't seen, face-to-face, in 15 years or ever for that matter. We type to communicate rather than talk, we post pictures so that our 'friends' can see us and who we are, we blog our thoughts, we tweet a play by play of our day. But are we friends? I mean, real friends? What does it mean to be a friend in today's modern society? Have we isolated ourselves by use of technology to the point where real physical friends (ones that you can see and touch) are an endangered species?

Even for myself, I realize that my 'physical friend' list is dwindling. Just like other stages in life, I've reached the one where friends have married, maintain some success in their career or family and now want to venture and capture something of their own. I'm not bashing because I complete understand and want these things as well. But now that they are all beginning to leave, it makes here (if you could see me, I'd be pointing to my heart, awww...) a lonely place to be.

And even times like tonight when I have a chance to experience this glimpse, it feels awkward. At times I nearly find girl talk awkward. Something that use to be so second nature to me now feels forced, no longer real. Where did it go? Is it lost in cyberspace? How do I reclaim what use to be? How do I reclaim a dream that is fading?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday, again?

Is it really Tuesday, again? Wow... Here's my 10.

1. Two weeks from today, I'll be on vacation. Did you catch that? I'll. Not us. Me. Vacation. Fun. This will be my first week long vacation in three years. I'm tagging along with my mom to Oklahoma for a conference. Free room and board. I'm in! Plus, did I mention that I'm going? Five glorious days. Of course I'll miss work and home... maybe. At least home. Definitely home.

2. Six weeks until Aiden starts Kindergarten. Six... It doesn't feel possible. Kindergarten was suppose to be so far away and yet, here it is. Would I be selfish to say that I don't want him to go?

3. Along with school comes UNIFORMS. Yes, can you believe it? Since when do public school kids wear uniforms. Apparently I'm in the minority, but uniforms? Seriously? Supposedly, it is argued that the kids will learn more because there will be less social influence based what they are wearing. Hmm, here's an idea... smaller classes, more educational funding, better pay for teachers, additional educational opportunities for students who don't learn well in the traditional classroom. And dare I mention the words educational vouchers or single sexed classrooms/schools? Just my opinion.

4. The other argument is uniforms is that it doesn't cost the parents more. I'm still trying to figure this one out. Whoever wrote the policy apparently has never had a growing 5 year old son. Not only do I have to purchase one set of khakis and single color button up shirts (which he's sure to outgrow by the next season) but I also have to purchase a second set of play clothes, church clothes, weekend jeans, etc because I'm not likely to let him play in the sacred school khakis. I only have two words which bring any promise to this situation: Consignment Sale.

5. Maybe I won't complain as much about uniforms when getting dressed is a breeze. Then again, I have a son - A son that takes after his dad (unfortunately) when it comes to dressing, so he probably wouldn't care anyway. Although the button up shirts are going to really upset him, I haven't told him about this yet - it's one of his corky sensory issues.

6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! (today's my dad's birthday, not sure if he reads this... but just in case)

7. I think we've pissed off our neighbors. Opps. Tonight I saw that they hung a sign reading "Stay off grass dog." They could have just said something... But I'm tempted to post one reading 'Pick up your cigarette butts.' But I'm not that type of person.

8. This list kinda sucks, huh? Wow. (Sorry)

9. I'm looking for a book or three to take with me on my v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n. I'm pretty set on Manda's copies of the Twilight series. Got any suggestions to top that?

10. For the record, I skipped the MJ memorial. Say what you will...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just An Update...

There's been no takers on my offer to accept new friendship applications.

Should I be worried?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday's 10

1. Well, I gave up. I'm on Facebook. Technically I've been on there for a while. But now I've stopped pretending it doesn't exist. Adding it to my blackberry was a nice touch and gives me something to do when I'm bored.

2. We still have no set plans for the fourth. We have options but no plans. Whatever we decide, we'll be sticking close to home this year.

3. Nearly 5 years ago, I was in the delivery room when little Emma was born by c-section. It's all smoke and mirrors... Okay, no mirrors but there was a lot of smoke. I mean a lot of smoke... Don't worry, I didn't tell KT until about a year ago after all her babies were born.

4. Now they are moving to GA :-( The bad new is: I'll be all by myself... But you can check out their sweet little house.

5. The good news is: I'm officially accepting applications for new friends. Just kidding... kinda... not really... maybe. Depends, whatcha offering?

6. It takes an amazing amount of tolerance to put up with me. On the surface you think I'm nice and quiet. I hear people say that all the time. But you'd be amazed how much I can rant & whine. Or maybe, if you're a regular here, you're not that surprised at all.

7. I'm handicapped when it comes to typing on my laptop. My palm constantly hits the mousepad and sends unfinished messages requiring responses from friends such as 'huh?' and 'what?'

8. I'm still wondering why it is that the one doctor I don't want to see is the only one available when I need to be seen. The injustice of it all.

9. I think I've made one good parental decision this week. I actually researched the new Transformers movie before opting out of taking Aiden to see it. Yeah for me - trying to make intelligent, informed decisions.

10. I have three new cookbooks. Any bets on how long it takes me to use them?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Looth Toof

Friday Aiden lost his first tooth at nap time - a central incisor to be exact. He was pretty lucky though because his permanent tooth was making its way, whether or not this other tooth ever came out. For a moment I pictured him looking like a shark or something with rows of teeth!

Please excuse the nostrils, dirty finger nail, and stained upper lip! Apparently he was breaking the new tooth in with a blue ring pop! No wonder the dentist loves us...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

In Honor

In honor of the late great Michael Jackson, I give you Thriller - presented by Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo. Okay, I realize I'll likely be the only one to watch this clip all the way through. But you gotta love JG, and I completely crushed on Mark Ruffalo in this film. Shhh, Jamie doesn't need to know.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Here Little Fishy

When I took my camera to Aiden's last day of swim lessons to 'capture the memories,' I envisioned that my pictures would be, well, picturesque. I imagined him springing up from the water, droplets catching the light, and a perfect all-capturing smile on his face. What I ended up with was slightly less than glamorous.... And yes, I can post these because I have far to few naked baby pictures to blackmail him with later down the road!

There were a few that qualified for keepers too...

The end result... Like a fish in water.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Taken two summers ago -
I think he'd still be wearing these shoes if I'd let him

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If I May Be As So Bold To Say...

Along with 9.8 million other views I got sucked into watching the John & Kate show last night. Now, I should preface this by saying that I am not a follower of their show. I do catch it from time to time and read the tabloid commentary about their lives. I find it interesting to see how a family of 10 functions, in much of the same way I would watch the Dugger clan. Again, please don't think I sit around watching reality TV all day. (Honest, I'm not that big of reality TV fan, I prefer something as fictional and as far away from real life as I can possibly imagine to entertain me.) However, I do imagine that my peaked interest probably stems from my inability to control or run a household of 3 successfully, so I can't imagine how the rest of the world functions.

But here are my thoughts...

If you've ever asked yourself what is the cost of a marriage?

Then I would say that J&K have successfully placed the value of their marriage at $75K an episode. I know that is bold to say being that I do not know these individuals, their family, their problems, etc. However, as it would appear to me, a single viewer, many of their problems stem from the stress that comes along with being on TV, including and most specifically - the media.

So, what do you do to remove yourself from the media? You stop the show. Not just for yourself, for your children, for your marriage. Both of them stated several times that they are doing what is best for the children. Really? Do you honestly believe that? And at what cost?

And to answer the reverse of that question, how do you not stop the media? My guess would be to announce your pending divorce on national television.

Now I won't venture into who the good or the bad guy is in their current situation. I've seen how she orders him around like a dog, but I also heard his less-than-concerned responses to the most difficult questions last night.

I guess in the end, it would seem to me (a wife, mother, daughter, social worker that deals with the difficulties single parents face on a daily basis), that if they were truly concerned with saving their marriage, then the answer would not be to continue the show. But to do away with it - for a season, for a lifetime, whatever it takes. To really heal a marriage, you have to put it first. (Don't worry, I'm preaching to myself as well here.) But you can't do that with camera crews and paparazzi. I wonder what their life would have been like without this show? My guess is that they'd be a lot like you and me - struggling to make it in the real world, they'd cling to one another and to their family because it's all that they have, all that really matters.

I do wish them the best and I hope that they are able to find whatever happiness they are looking for. Much like I hope this for myself and to you as well. And by the way, it's okay to disagree with me. I don't know everything. Just don't tell Jamie or Aiden that - it's taken me a long time to teach them otherwise... heehee.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Looking Forward To The Weekend

Provided by Cartoonstock

Usually I post following each weekend, giving you a recap of the weekend's events. But I have to say, I'm kinda looking forward to this hectic weekend we have planned.

Tonight, Gigi's coming to stay with us. We're going to catch one of the summer outdoor movies offered through the local parks and rec center. Tonight's showing: Happy Feet. Now, being that ABC Family has shown this twice already this week, the only thing that is going to be a surprise will be the end. Not that we haven't seen that before or don't own the DVD... But it's the fun of watching it outdoors, under the stars.

Tomorrow is when the fun really begins. My mom and I are attending a girls only Tea Party with big brimmed hats and fancy teacups - the works! I'm looking forward to this experience. Following this, we're treking to Creedmoor for a birthday party. (Happy Birthday Joss!) Aiden is psyched because they're going to get to swim and he wants to try out his new skills he's learning from swim class.

And finally, Sunday is Father's Day. (Happy Father's Day Dads!!) We're doing the usual church and have another birthday party that afternoon. Following that we're going to take Jamie out to celebrate his special day! Can't tell you what it is, it's a surprise! (Plus it's not all planned yet...)

The bad news is that Monday is going to be here sooner than I realize!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flowers Galore

Guess I was feeling a little inspired. Or just needed some time outdoors. Either way I drug Aiden out for a little outing this evening. There's a great little garden near work, so we took advantage of the great weather and my new lens.