Thursday, May 28, 2009

And then there was that too...

A little thing known as my birthday.
Many thanks to all the birthday wishes everyone sent!

(Janice, I'll split this with you - happy birthday SIL!)

Has it Been That Long? Really?

Well, I guess it's time for the unintentional, self-induced sabbatical to end. I can hardly believe that it's been two weeks. Let me catch you up on what we've been doing...

Well, there you go. That about sums it up.

Sike. (haha - I've been waiting forever to use that word)

Although, we did spent Memorial Weekend with the parents on Kerr Lake in the RV. Don't get me wrong, there is something crunchy and holistic in that nature kind of way that I like about camping under the stars and all. But the girl in me is so much happier at night in the RV.

Aiden and his Gigi
Gigi was the fish catching queen this weekend.
I think Jamie was jealous (don't tell him I said so though...)

Aiden and his sitting rock
Unusual sand, don't you think? It was some weird, thick blanket type
thing put down to keep the bank from washing away.


Our trip was also filled with quite a few learning experiences. Next to our site lived a mommy and daddy Killdeer (birdies). They spend most of the weekend safeguarding their four little eggs and running off anyone who came within 10 feet of their nest.

And on another note, Jamie's iphone saved the day, helping to identify the bird. Damn appl even came with a soundbite. Go figure...

Just so you don't feel left out. I found one for you too - just click right here. Lucky for us, they were quiet at night.

And finally... Any thoughts on what this is?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm Borrowing This - My Ten on Tuesday

1. This was my fifth official Mother's Day. It's funny how my perspective on Mother's Day has changed. Originally I was just happy to be apart of the crowd, so to speak. But as the years go by, it's more about celebrating other mom's and waiting some solitude for myself (odd combination). I did score a new radio for my car though.

2. Speaking of cars, my speedometer when out today. I never realized how much you depend on those darn things when you're driving. It was just in time for my annual car inspections. Perfect timing...

3. Tonight I'm also watching the finale of Biggest Loser. I'm so inspired. I need Jillian Michaels to kick my butt. She's scary. Really.

4. Next week Jamie and I will celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary. Wow, 8 years...

5. The number one thing I do to drive Jamie crazy: Probably, leave my cell phone at home on a regular basis. Probably because I'm sure the list is long.

6. I'm not a Facebook girl. It's not that I don't like it, but I just can't seem to get into it. And who really has the time for all that? So, if you add me as a friend and I don't respond. It's not you, it's me.

7. I have only 15 days to complete my 'bucket list.' It's slow going but I'm ready to get started.

8. Today I was thrilled because I found Aiden's required uniform for his Pre-K graduation from the local kid's consignment shop for only $10. Ends up that both pieces are to small. Now I'm wondering if they have a return policy?

9. Dave Ramsey has honestly changed my life and I don't even know him.

10. Carrie D is my hero. If I only had her diligence, discipline, and determination.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Big Boys Don't Cry

Not unless you have have a goalie block their score three times. And it was a *GIRL* goalie at that. (Girls rock, don't they?) So in one 40-minute soccer scrimmage, we went from this...

to this...

But you would have been proud, kind of sort of. Technically, Aiden scored all 3 of the points for this team. However, he only played when they were running the ball towards his goal. The rest of the time was spent throwing his arms and legs around like a homicidal maniac when the ball didn't reach the net or when something didn't go his way. It was somewhat humorous by the end of the game because Aiden's team (who started off with 7 of the 9 present) was down to the goalie playing offense and defense, as well as is initial position of goalie. All the others had dropped out, disappeared, or were sitting in a parent induced time out (oh wait, that was only my son...) Happy days...

One of My Favorite Things About Spring

Yea, the Farmer's Market is back in full swing. And you should see the smile on my face! I am so thankful to have some locally grown foods in my cabinet and on my table. Please tell me you support locally grown foods. If not, you should - The benefits are endless! You're first step: Check out Local Harvest. It's a fantastic spot to find out about local farms, CSA's, speciality spots (for local meats, veggies, milk products), local farmer's markets, and community events.