Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's Tuesday... Again?

Has it really been two weeks? You know, I had planned to blog my entire vacation, rubbing it in that I was there and you were here. But that didn't really happen, did it?

1. Nope, it didn't because I was too absorbed by the Twilight series. I think I read through my entire week long vacation, at least when I wasn't working off the cost of my airfare for my mom (slave labor - opps, did I say that? J/K). But even then I tried to sneak in a few pages here and there. But can we just say - I love these books. Even just yesterday I am guilty of admitting to my sister that I wanted to be Bella, even if she is running from vampires and stuff like that. Vampires, shampires... I can take'em.

2. Everyone always asked if you missed your babies a lot while you were away. Truth is... yes (I have to say that, but it's also true). But I didn't miss Aiden and Jamie the way you would think. Maybe because I knew Aiden was being cared for with the most capable hands and had a 5 day supply of matching outfits - to avoid any chance of Jamie dressing him...

But I did have a great deal of anxiety about leaving. It was harder to leave, and I kinda freaked a little on the car ride up. Once I was on the plane, that subsided and I was okay from there. But it was so good to see the expression on Aiden's face when we returned home.

3. That being said, I think everyone needs vacations from the family every now and then. It gives you a chance to re-evaluate.

4. I do have pictures. (I can see that you're surprised by that?) But haven't uploaded them yet. I'll be sure to post a few once I do.

5. The worst thing about vacations is coming back to work. It's not even so much returning to work, but the 5 days of missed emails, telephone calls, documentation that you have to catch up on. It's more like 9 missed days in my case as my client's don't fully realize that I don't physically live at my office. I'd almost say it's not worth it, but it's not worth lying to you about that.

6. Enough about my trip...Last night I downloaded Pandora to my Blackberry. Yea! I've been waiting for months to do this. Don't know why it took me so long. Now I can rock out to some 80's hits in my office while returning all 6 billion missed emails.

7. If my calculations are correct, there are exactly 150 days till Christmas. Better get you shop on. Or in my case, start saving some $$ in order to shop later.

8. Speaking of money, with any luck and a few more months of diligence, we'll have all of our credit cards paid off by October 2009. One of these days, I'll blog about my Dave Ramsey adventures. But just to say that it is possible to pay those stinkers off if you just commit to it.

9. Jamie's off Friday night. For those of you that don't realize the golden significance of this, he has approximately 1.5 Friday's off during an average year. I'm thinking of making it a date night.

10. In effort to be funny, I was going to have Webster define 'date' for you. If you happen to be in the same situation as us, as to which dates are a thing of history, a forgotten memory, this would have been a useful tool. BTW, I never thought I'd actually phrase something with the words 'as to which.')
However, in my attempts to obtain a solid definition, I came up with this instead...

Date Hair: Hair that is commonly slicked with a greasy additive and parted in the middle with the hair curling at the end. Used to impress in a date situation or when one is attired with one's "Sunday best."

Examples: Ed has nice date hair this evening. Is he going out?
Damn, Joey. That date hair looks like Ricky Ricardo had sex with a wet rat.

...Don't worry there were images attached for reference purposes. (haha)

Date Hair Image

Thanks Urban Dictionary. Oh, wait... I think I know this guy?!

Now you know how easily I am amused.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Ten's Been Reduced to (five)

1. We are women; We have double standards to live up to. - Ally McBeal
So, after all of that ranting last week about public school uniforms, we've had a significant shift in plans for the fall. Thursday I received a call from the director of Aiden's daycare. A space has come available in their Kindergarten class and we've decided to keep him there for the program. Now, how is it that I have such strong opinions on public school uniforms but nothing to say about private school uniforms? It's a double standard, I know...

2. You can imagine my first thought as soon as Ms. Tammy said her name. I think it was something similar to: Again? Yes, I can come pick him up. Isn't it terrible that this is my first thought? Although after the week he's had so far, I wouldn't be surprised if they call back to say they've changed their minds...

3. Okay, I have to disclose a little work secret. One such worker in my building (whom shall remain anonymous) has several, no multiple, framed pictures of a said President posted throughout her office. It surpasses any level of respectfulness and borders on obsession... Any who, this AM as I'm attempting to sneak in, late again (dope), I catch a whiff of Pledge, lemon scented by the way. I turn to see said worker, up to her elbows in gloves, waxing her Presidential shrine. Waxing... seriously... Who ever said government workers don't work? She was making that baby shine!

4. I have entirely too much to do before I leave for my trip this weekend. And yep, you guessed it, I'm procrastinating each step of the way. You'd think I'd learn when it comes to procrastination.

5. Recently, in a parenting magazine, I read about a creative use for that timer we bought for our Christmas tree last year. Aiden, even at 5 - I know... still sneaks in our room at night, well usually in the early AM hours. To put a stop to it, we hooked his night light up to a timer. He understands that he can only come out of his room once the light goes off in the AM. Seems to work so far.

(My list is reduced to five on account of exhaustation! I'm heading to bed.)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Follow Me Where Ever This Goes...

Tonight's one of those nights when you almost get a glimpse at how you thought it was all going to be. Good times that I'm sure to long for in the days ahead. Isn't it funny that sometimes it's the good times that make you feel the saddest or loneliest?

It was a great night - casual and relaxed. Perfect. Aiden and I were invited to dinner with friends who recently moved nearby. Ms. Claudia cooked a wonderful meal. I had my first taste of German schnitzel and squash fritters and loved it. And the kids, they play so great together. (minus that baseball bat incident yesterday...) We sat outside well after the sun had retired watching the boys defeat Decepticons and race jet planes.

When I was young, this is how I imagined I wanted my 'grown up life' to be. Close friends to sit and chat with while the kids run around slaying dragons and whatever wild creatures their imaginations will allow. It's being close to people, living in a real community where others know more about you than just what type of car you drive. It's neighborhood barbecues and vacationing with friends. It's dropping by on a cool evening, bring over fresh baked cookies or a bottle of wine (maybe, if you're lucky, both). It's sitting on your back porch together. It's sharing good recipes. It's watching the kids so that one of you can run to the grocery (maybe that bottle's empty, haha). It's about being real and having real friendships with those you are close to.

But modern technology has changed the traditional meaning of friendship. We type and share our entire world and greatest secrets with strangers. No longer do we sit and talk. We email, leave voice messages, or update our facebook status to let loved ones know whats going on. We discuss dinner plans, life goals, or just the color of your hightops (yes, I heard they're trying to make a comeback) with someone you haven't seen, face-to-face, in 15 years or ever for that matter. We type to communicate rather than talk, we post pictures so that our 'friends' can see us and who we are, we blog our thoughts, we tweet a play by play of our day. But are we friends? I mean, real friends? What does it mean to be a friend in today's modern society? Have we isolated ourselves by use of technology to the point where real physical friends (ones that you can see and touch) are an endangered species?

Even for myself, I realize that my 'physical friend' list is dwindling. Just like other stages in life, I've reached the one where friends have married, maintain some success in their career or family and now want to venture and capture something of their own. I'm not bashing because I complete understand and want these things as well. But now that they are all beginning to leave, it makes here (if you could see me, I'd be pointing to my heart, awww...) a lonely place to be.

And even times like tonight when I have a chance to experience this glimpse, it feels awkward. At times I nearly find girl talk awkward. Something that use to be so second nature to me now feels forced, no longer real. Where did it go? Is it lost in cyberspace? How do I reclaim what use to be? How do I reclaim a dream that is fading?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday, again?

Is it really Tuesday, again? Wow... Here's my 10.

1. Two weeks from today, I'll be on vacation. Did you catch that? I'll. Not us. Me. Vacation. Fun. This will be my first week long vacation in three years. I'm tagging along with my mom to Oklahoma for a conference. Free room and board. I'm in! Plus, did I mention that I'm going? Five glorious days. Of course I'll miss work and home... maybe. At least home. Definitely home.

2. Six weeks until Aiden starts Kindergarten. Six... It doesn't feel possible. Kindergarten was suppose to be so far away and yet, here it is. Would I be selfish to say that I don't want him to go?

3. Along with school comes UNIFORMS. Yes, can you believe it? Since when do public school kids wear uniforms. Apparently I'm in the minority, but uniforms? Seriously? Supposedly, it is argued that the kids will learn more because there will be less social influence based what they are wearing. Hmm, here's an idea... smaller classes, more educational funding, better pay for teachers, additional educational opportunities for students who don't learn well in the traditional classroom. And dare I mention the words educational vouchers or single sexed classrooms/schools? Just my opinion.

4. The other argument is uniforms is that it doesn't cost the parents more. I'm still trying to figure this one out. Whoever wrote the policy apparently has never had a growing 5 year old son. Not only do I have to purchase one set of khakis and single color button up shirts (which he's sure to outgrow by the next season) but I also have to purchase a second set of play clothes, church clothes, weekend jeans, etc because I'm not likely to let him play in the sacred school khakis. I only have two words which bring any promise to this situation: Consignment Sale.

5. Maybe I won't complain as much about uniforms when getting dressed is a breeze. Then again, I have a son - A son that takes after his dad (unfortunately) when it comes to dressing, so he probably wouldn't care anyway. Although the button up shirts are going to really upset him, I haven't told him about this yet - it's one of his corky sensory issues.

6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! (today's my dad's birthday, not sure if he reads this... but just in case)

7. I think we've pissed off our neighbors. Opps. Tonight I saw that they hung a sign reading "Stay off grass dog." They could have just said something... But I'm tempted to post one reading 'Pick up your cigarette butts.' But I'm not that type of person.

8. This list kinda sucks, huh? Wow. (Sorry)

9. I'm looking for a book or three to take with me on my v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n. I'm pretty set on Manda's copies of the Twilight series. Got any suggestions to top that?

10. For the record, I skipped the MJ memorial. Say what you will...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just An Update...

There's been no takers on my offer to accept new friendship applications.

Should I be worried?