Monday, August 30, 2010

In a Nutshell: Hiatus Over

By now, I'm sure you thought I forgot how to blog, didn't you? Well, I nearly forgot my password. So you're kind of right. It's been 6 months since I last posted anything. Anything. That is hard to believe. But I'm telling you - time flies whether you're having fun or not.

During my sabbatical, it's wasn't that I didn't know what to say but that I didn't feel like I had anything to say that anyone wanted to hear. What I've realized in the mean time is that it's not about you... hehe.

Was that offensive? I'm sorry.

Here it is though: I've missed you, baby blog. There have been so many times when I think Oh, that would be great to blog about. But then when came time to write, I was out of steam or just so tired the humor was no longer there. But I've also put restrictions on what I felt I could or could not write about. There were times when I couldn't write about one thing when I was holding back on another. So, I'm letting that go. I'm writing for me.


Amanda said...

Welcome Back!

Gigi said...

I agree....glad you are back. Missed seeing what you had written. Kept checking so it paid off at long last. Mom