Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Do You Do Lent?

Oh… apparently you’re supposed to give up something you love.
By Shane Johnson

I suppose the correct way to phrase that is to ask if you practice or more appropriately observe Lent. And if you really want to get PC about it, you probably wouldn't ask at all in effort to keep religion out of it. But yes, I do practice... observe... 'do' Lent. I have for many years. Some more successful than others. (what can I say, I lack self control at times)

But this year, I have taken the practice more seriously than I have in the past. I will be giving up - drum roll please - Eating out for lunch and sodas.

That's actually a pretty big sacrifice for me. With my crazy job, lunch out and 5 o'clock are the only things I look forward to. So now I'll have to find more creative ways to spend that hour. Today for instance, I went to the gym - I know - shock! But I'm finally putting that new membership to work for me. Who knows this could be the start of something wonderful.

Do you observe Lent? What have you given up?

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