Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mission: First Day Kindergarten

As if I haven't been referencing this occasion for the last several weeks or months... Today was Aiden's first day of school!

It's not so much the fact that he's no longer a toddler or pre-schooler, but it's a marker of his first five years of life. Five years that have gone by so quickly. In a sad way, it's time that we'll never get back. So many firsts are behind us. But then again, so many more are to come.

To start a few traditions, we decided to toast to a new year and new beginnings. Aiden got a kick out of this since we pulled out the champagne glasses and all. Along with the toast, we fixed his favorite breakfast, took first day pics, and accompanied him to school. Tonight we attempted to have a special dinner to discuss first day events. We served dinner in reverse - dessert, meal, then apps. It didn't go over as well as I had hoped though. Aiden actually decided to eat lunch so he wasn't starved like last night when he ate two PB&J... So he was more selective and didn't care for the dessert I selected. Oh, well... at least the conversation was good.

The Mature Faces of a Kindergartner... The Silly Face
The Serious Face
I'm not sure if this is the I've Got a Secret face or the I've Gotta Pee face...

Aiden in his classroom. The kid when straight for the Lego's

Aiden and Ms. Rowlette, his teacher


Amanda said...

Oh my! He's so handsome! He looks very sharp (and a lot like Jamie)!

The Vanderfords said...

so glad it went well and he had a special day! sorry the dessert didn't work out :( what a bummer.

gigi said...

Oh my! How did he get to be of school age....he was just born 5 months ago! He is sooo handsme in thse pictures! gigi

Crissie said...

Congrats Jenny!!!
He is such a handsome guy!
We'll have to let he and Bridget compare notes one of these days. I ask her how her day was and all I usually get is "Fine", "Good", or "I forget"...