Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Instruction Wanted

How do I phrase this nicely? My dear son is a wonderful person. He has an incredible spirit, insane imagination, a sense of humor like no other. But, at 4, he's not exactly tactful with words. Twice already he's been given gifts this wonderful, joyous season. Instead of being thrilled and gracious with the idea of new toys, he's been... well, rude. Maybe it wasn't the right size or color. And in one case, it's wasn't the very random and rare buzz lighter with a twirly top. I've talked with him about this time and again but it doesn't seem to penetrate that thick head of his (yeah, I said it!)

S0, I asked you this: How to you teach children go have a grateful heart?

(Any thoughts or ideas are gladly accepted)


Amanda said...

A lot of moms of kids Aiden's age have been posting on my mommy board about the same thing. Sadly I think time is the only thing that will help...I won't be upset if he says he doesn't like his Hulk mask and hands.

Katie Lewis said...

We have the same standard conversation everytime we go somewhere that a gift might be goes something like this:
Mommy: What do you do if someone gives you something you already have?
Child 1,2,3,4 (5 isn't in the mix yet): We say Thank you.
Mommy: Do you mention that you already have one of these or hate it?
Child 1,2,3,4 No. We say Thank you and whisper to you that we already have it.
Mommy: Good job

Change scene to gift opening...
Child 1,2,3,4: Thank you but we already have one of these, this is the wrong one, I hate this toy...

It's inevitable. All you can do is keep drilling. Kaitlin, at 11, has gotten much better at masking her thoughts. :)