Thursday, December 11, 2008

Signs of the Season

Finally after a week of good intentions, we have some holiday spirit sprinkled throughout our home. All the decorations are accompanied both their original packing (hint, hint dear husband, put the boxes away!) but also by Aiden's rendition of Away In a Manager - where the 'cattle are annoying and the baby awakes.' Where is a video camera when you need one?

But I'm proud to say that Aiden will be a shepherd next week in the school play. A shepherd! Call me a nut - it's okay, go ahead. But this seems really big for us, I mean him. A shepherd!

And by the way, the shepherd just told me that I should by some Pamprin - You need this mom. What does he know about it?

Okay, just a few pics for those that won't have the pleasure of viewing the rest of the mess that is my house!


creative gal said...

I love your decorations!! Can't wait to see your little shephard!

ladybug624 said...

I too look forward to seeing pictures of the shepherd boy. Please take the video camera if you think of it - if it still works. Would love to see a clip of it! Looking foward to next week. Love you! Mom