Saturday, September 27, 2008

Little Bitty Things Make a Thankful Heart

I thought I would share a list of little bitty things that I am thankful for tonight. So, in no particular order, here they are:

  1. Making it home safely tonight: A sure sign of my age, but my level of anxiety while driving home in the pouring rain in the middle of the night was unbelievable!
  2. Sleeping in my own bed: Just a sense of happiness being back home and less chance of waking with a stiff back in the morning - again, another sign of age. Hmmm.
  3. My mom's comment that Aiden's new school is doing him good: Yes! He's doing so much better. I'm glad that others (and myself) recognize this!
  4. My dad's biscuits this morning: I think that means that he liked our adventure. They were delicious!
  5. The Children's Ministries meeting last Thursday: Each week I'm reminded more and more how happy I am that we have finally found a church and are becoming more involved.
  6. A good weekend with my parents: This is not small, but it means a lot!
  7. Cooler weather! No A/C. Cheaper utility bills (hopefully).
  8. Blogging: Despite my initial concerns about blogging, I've found it very addictive. It's been a while since I've written anything other than dictation for case files. It's a nice change of pace.
  9. Sleep... I'm exhausted and I figure if I can fall asleep right now, I have a full 7 hours before having to be up in the morning. Sleep.... Ah, to dream.
  10. And of course, you can't end a list like this without being thanksful for your husband, son, family, and friends! But I do mean it!

1 comment:

ladybug624 said...

This does your mom's heart lots of good! Love you!